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High school graduations are in full swing in Loudoun County, but the ceremonies of today have a different vibe. Take Heritage High School for example.


Valedictorian Zachary Adam Armentrout ... said thanks to three of the student body's most important teachers ... "I would like to thank our three best teachers," Armentrout said. "Google, Wikipedia and Microsoft Word Thesaurus." The line drew significant applause from those gathered at the football stadium at Heritage High School.

So much for this generation of American schoolchildren.
QUOTE(Poetlister @ Wed 27th June 2007, 11:50am) *


Valedictorian Zachary Adam Armentrout ... said thanks to three of the student body's most important teachers ... "I would like to thank our three best teachers," Armentrout said. "Google, Wikipedia and Microsoft Word Thesaurus." The line drew significant applause from those gathered at the football stadium at Heritage High School.

So much for this generation of American schoolchildren.

Let's hope that was meant as a joke. It is not that unusual at American high school graduations today for administration, staff and students to engage in some good-natured ribbing of one another in their speeches during the ceremony.
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