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Yahoo! News
The Friday, March 23 Sports article "Cavaliers return to Charlottesville to host Maryland after long road trip" stated the Virginia softball team would play against Maryland at Davenport Field. In...

The Nov. 7 Life feature, "Life's little secrets," claimed that Robert Kennedy was a member of the Seven Society. Although claimed this as true, The Cavalier Daily discovered this to be a hoax and Kennedy was never a member of the society. The feature also incorrectly stated that the Hot Feet were forced to disband in 1912 when in fact it was 1911.

Does this mean it's another false rumour startrd by a Wikipedia editor?
The Nov. 7 Life feature, "Life's little secrets," claimed that Robert Kennedy was a member of the Seven Society. Although claimed this as true, The Cavalier Daily discovered this to be a hoax and Kennedy was never a member of the society. The feature also incorrectly stated that the Hot Feet were forced to disband in 1912 when in fact it was 1911.

Additionally, The Cavalier Daily reported that Cody Roberts is gay and eats his boogers. Cody Roberts is not gay and has not ate a booger since the age of three. His parents have informed us that he is excited about entering the 6th grade.
Try this one on:

My first correction was because I trusted a Web site.

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