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Mentions Wikipedia Review and links here.
We might not get another review, so we should pin it. lol.
We're becoming pretty popular actually wink.gif definitely more visitors than Wikitruth.
QUOTE(Selina @ Thu 4th May 2006, 4:46pm) *

We're becoming pretty popular actually wink.gif definitely more visitors than Wikitruth.

??? How do you know this?
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Thu 4th May 2006, 7:29am) *

QUOTE(Selina @ Thu 4th May 2006, 4:46pm) *

We're becoming pretty popular actually wink.gif definitely more visitors than Wikitruth.

??? How do you know this?

See the links to Alexa, at the bottom.
The Robert Lindsay blog, in my opinion, is *expletive*. Use your own expletive to describe it, as you see fit. Its not a quality blog. Republishing those anti-islam cartoons is in very bad taste.
Yeah, it's a load of crap. He even calls me a Jew just because I don't agree with his Nazi-like racism against Jews rolleyes.gif
I didn't close the topic like he claims either and links to it, when I first saw that blog I replied to point this out (before this news linked to it by the way, I just didn't want to mention it because Robert Lindsay clearly is the kind of fucking maniac that doesn't deserve any publicity at all)

I later binned the "jew" topic entirely because people on Stormfront, the neo-nazi racist forum that Igor hangs out at, were linking to it as support for their arguments as well. rolleyes.gif

Really, I'm glad Igor's gone...
QUOTE(Selina @ Thu 4th May 2006, 10:03pm) *

Yeah, it's a load of crap. He even calls me a Jew just because I don't agree with his Nazi-like racism against Jews rolleyes.gif
I didn't close the topic like he claims either and links to it, when I first saw that blog I replied to point this out (before this news linked to it by the way, I just didn't want to mention it because Robert Lindsay clearly is the kind of fucking maniac that doesn't deserve any publicity at all)

I later binned the "jew" topic entirely because people on Stormfront, the neo-nazi racist forum that Igor hangs out at, were linking to it as support for their arguments as well. rolleyes.gif

Really, I'm glad Igor's gone...

You're an athiest, right?

For the record, I do not follow any organised religion, but I am not an athiest. I am a philosopher more than anything. I have firm religious beliefs, and I consider myself to be very religious. My beliefs simply do not neatly fit in to any organised religion. I discourage organised religions. I think that each individual should make up their own minds. That's my belief.
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Thu 4th May 2006, 1:52pm) *

I do not follow any organised religion, but I am not an athiest. I am a philosopher more than anything. I have firm religious beliefs, and I consider myself to be very religious. My beliefs simply do not neatly fit in to any organised religion.

Great stuff - you're in good company. Spinoza's views exactly.

tongue.gif But the word is atheist, not athiest!
QUOTE(guy @ Thu 4th May 2006, 10:55pm) *

QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Thu 4th May 2006, 1:52pm) *

I do not follow any organised religion, but I am not an athiest. I am a philosopher more than anything. I have firm religious beliefs, and I consider myself to be very religious. My beliefs simply do not neatly fit in to any organised religion.

Great stuff - you're in good company. Spinoza's views exactly.

tongue.gif But the word is atheist, not athiest!

I thought it was "i before e except after c". There's no "c" there. English is such a stupid language!!!
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