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Yahoo! News
We'd like you to write the final 250 words of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" -- the seventh and final novel in the Harry Potter series. The book will be released on Thursday, and we will print some of the best endings in the newspaper on Wednesday.

QUOTE(Yahoo! News @ Fri 13th July 2007, 11:51pm) *

We'd like you to write the final 250 words of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" -- the seventh and final novel in the Harry Potter series. The book will be released on Thursday, and we will print some of the best endings in the newspaper on Wednesday.


I have no idea how it ends, but I'm sure thousands of man-hours will be spent explaining it on Wikipedia.
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(GoodFaith @ Sat 14th July 2007, 4:26pm) *

QUOTE(Yahoo! News @ Fri 13th July 2007, 11:51pm) *

We'd like you to write the final 250 words of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" — the seventh and final novel in the Harry Potter series. The book will be released on Thursday, and we will print some of the best endings in the newspaper on Wednesday.


I have no idea how it ends, but I'm sure thousands of man-hours will be spent explaining it on Wikipedia.

I'm pretty sure no man-hours will be wasted in the making of this e-motion picture.

Jonny cool.gif
Last night's Doctor Who had The Doctor mention he had read the 7th harry potter book and cried at the end (The Doctor is a time traveller).
Well, it all ends with Harry Potter revealing that in secret he is the dark evil lord, and he transforms in to this evil bad guy, and starts sucking the life out of everyone and turning them all evil. Hermione becomes a lesbian, that guy that Harry has as his friend becomes Harry's gay butt-buddy, and Harry turns the whole thing in to this wicked BDSM sex party.

Well, that's what all the fan fiction says anyway.

Oh yeah, I hate Harry Potter.
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Sat 14th July 2007, 10:20pm) *

Hermione becomes a lesbian, that guy that Harry has as his friend becomes Harry's gay butt-

I would like to see the movie version of Emma Watson. I'm sure by the time they film the 7th movie, she'll be 18.

Harry's friend is Ron. In fan-fiction, Harry often has sex with Malfoy.

QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Sat 14th July 2007, 10:20pm) *

Well, that's what all the fan fiction says anyway.

Lord Voldemort? The bad guy who gave him the scar. That has got to be who Harry Potter is secretly. I mean why else did he survive? He was secretly implanted and possessed.

I know its obvious, but what in Harry Potter isn't obvious?
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