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Wikipedia disrespects experts says co-founder, Ireland - 31 minutes ago
16.07.2007 - Larry Sanger, who founded Wikipedia in 2001 with Jimmy Wales only to leave shortly afterwards, said that even as far back as 2001 the Wikipedia ...
QUOTE(Google News @ Sun 15th July 2007, 10:40pm) *

Wikipedia disrespects experts says co-founder, Ireland - 31 minutes ago
16.07.2007 - Larry Sanger, who founded Wikipedia in 2001 with Jimmy Wales only to leave shortly afterwards, said that even as far back as 2001 the Wikipedia ...

Wikipedia hates experts because it is built upon underachievers. People with real jobs and families have no time to burn hour upon hour of unrewarded effort. Yet there are always bored college sophomores ready to show how they know more than everybody else.
agree with the above.

btw, larry sanger should start a troll account named NOTACOFOUNDER. upload goatse, etc.
From the article:
Apart from advertising, Sanger and co-founder Wales also disagree about who actually founded Wikipedia in the first place. Wales has previously claimed to be the sole founder of the online collaborative encyclopedia.

Maybe he should check his facts on Wikipedia which says that both men were identified as co-founders in 2001.

I'm wondering how long it will be before The Sole Flounder has a Captain Queeg-style meltdown over this. Or did I miss it?
QUOTE(Cedric @ Mon 16th July 2007, 3:28pm) *
I'm wondering how long it will be before The Sole Flounder has a Captain Queeg-style meltdown over this. Or did I miss it?


"They were all disloyal. I tried to run the wiki properly by the user manual, but they fought me at every turn. If the admins wanted to stalk around with their contribs hanging out, that's all right, let them! Take the vandalbot - defective equipment, no more, no less. But they encouraged the admins to go around, scoffing at me and spreading wild rumors about reverting in circles, and then 'Old Co-Founder.' I was to blame for Lieutenant MONGO's incompetence and poor trollsmanship. Lieutenant MONGO was the perfect attack-dog, but not Captain Wales...

"Ah, but the strawman arguments! That's - that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made BJAODN entries, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with diametric logic that, that a duplicate key to the AN/I block-warning template did exist. And I would have produced that key if they hadn't pulled the Blogger's Code of Conduct out of action. I... I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow admin.

"Naturally, I can only cover these things from diffs..."
QUOTE(Somey @ Mon 16th July 2007, 4:56pm) *

"They were all disloyal. I tried to run the wiki properly by the user manual, but they fought me at every turn. . . .

That is one of the best responses ever.
QUOTE(Somey @ Mon 16th July 2007, 2:56pm) *


"They were all disloyal. I tried to run the wiki properly by the user manual, but they fought me at every turn. If the admins wanted to stalk around with their contribs hanging out, that's all right, let them! Take the vandalbot - defective equipment, no more, no less. But they encouraged the admins to go around, scoffing at me and spreading wild rumors about reverting in circles, and then 'Old Co-Founder.' I was to blame for Lieutenant MONGO's incompetence and poor trollsmanship. Lieutenant MONGO was the perfect attack-dog, but not Captain Wales...

I always love Somey's drawings. Why must prevent a directory list?

And what is "poor trollmanship"?
Disillusioned Lackey
This is a million times better than the Jimbo-as-Michalangelo's God Creation (aka "Creation of Jimbo)picture (you guys have seen that, right? (below). Love the Caine Mutiny humor - excellent text too.

And so very, very spot-on.


Probably the best thing about this "creation" picture for Jimbo is the penis size.


It is smaller than his belly button.

Commensurate with his earlobe.

A slight derail: I thought Bogey's performance in The Caine Mutiny was near the best of his career.
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