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It is scheduled for creation on 1 January 2008.

As we've seen, Larry Sanger's 2 creations, Digital Universe and Citizendium, are abject failures, filled with most of the same horrors that Wikipedia has, but with some additional horrors that they have created in an apparent attempt to not have to repeat the original Wikipedia horrors! So will this version, based on an established Encyclopaedia brand name, New World Encyclopedia, be able to provide a quality alternative to Wikipedia? Or is the concept of wikis doomed to failure?
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Tue 24th July 2007, 10:03am) *

It is scheduled for creation on 1 January 2008.

As we've seen, Larry Sanger's 2 creations, Digital Universe and Citizendium, are abject failures, filled with most of the same horrors that Wikipedia has, but with some additional horrors that they have created in an apparent attempt to not have to repeat the original Wikipedia horrors! So will this version, based on an established Encyclopaedia brand name, New World Encyclopedia, be able to provide a quality alternative to Wikipedia? Or is the concept of wikis doomed to failure?

Answer: the concept of the wiki encyclopedia is doomed to failure. We all know why. There already is a quality alternative to Wikipedia. It's the professional encyclopedia.
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