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Full Version: Wikiabuse must NOT be resurrected
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
Wikiabuse was the wrong idea on the wrong platform.

In order to bury/rectify Wikipedia (delete as appropriate), there needs to be a continuous feed of news from the Hive that the Hivemind cannot control.

Therefore use the blog, create articles, link to the blog from your own blogs, digg/slashdot the news articles.

Wikis are not conducive to news flow. Blogs are.
You can register to join the blog. Its pretty much open membership. I've tried to only write what is already written about in our topics on the forum, but you could expand that a little beyond that to more general issues. It'd be good to have a 3rd author.
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Wed 25th July 2007, 4:25pm) *

You can register to join the blog. Its pretty much open membership. I've tried to only write what is already written about in our topics on the forum, but you could expand that a little beyond that to more general issues. It'd be good to have a 3rd author.

I already have, and I intend to.

I guess my point is that its better to be a blogger on a particular topic than an editor in a contentious, fractious wiki.

At least with a blog, one gets feedback that creates a journalized record of what's been happening over time. It's sequential and easy to follow. A properly done blog will connect with the Internet in a way that a wiki will never do.

BTW I enjoyed reading your blog posts so far. Its a better read than a lot of forum posts, frankly.
Okay thats good to know. I am trying to make them sort of professional. I always tend to just write like a diary after a while, so if I start doing that, I hope people will get me to take a holiday from writing in the group blog for a while lol.
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