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BobbyBombastic, owned and operated by Alex Jones is now labeled an attack site because of this article.

Alex Jones does a conspiracy related radio show and operates numourous websites where he mainly republishes articles from mainstream and non-mainstream sources. You can listen to his show online. He is really the "pit bull" type, and if WP wants to make drama out of this, Alex Jones is the type that will blow it entirely out of proportion.

The attack article discusses the activities of User:Morton_devonshire and what they believe is suppression of information on 9/11 truth related articles - Although the nail in prisonplanet's coffin is that they dared to mention MONGO. Also, they foolishly ask people to vandalize Morton's page, something which makes me think there should be a guide on how to subvert Wikipedia properly.

User:Tom harrison is now removing prisonplanet links, strangely without the edit summary "REMOVING LINK TO ATTACK SITE SEE WP:BADSITES AND RELEVANT ARBCOM RULINGS". I guess they've learned something...removing links is ok just don't quote bullshit policies. User:SevenofDiamonds says that he is reverting the ones that are merely republished articles.

AN/I discussion (diff)

In summary, Alex Jones is not going to understand this WP:BADSITES stuff, and take it for what it appears to be, censorship. With the recent news of a possible intelligence agent editing wikipedia, Alex may take an increased look at Wikipedia.
Once George Bush gets out of office and a non-republican put in, then Morton and all those people will become unemployed as the government will no longer pay them to edit wikipedia.
The comments are an outing festival, wow.

This is another example of how the Real World is now getting more and more frustrated, and are fighting back against Wikipedians directly. Good, this escalation will only continue exponentially, as people come to see it as the norm more and more.

Apparently, Tbeatty actually linked Morton here with a Barnstar to prisonplanet:

Despite the fact that Tbeatty himself gets outed hardcore in the article and comments. WTF?!
What's sad is that Wikipedia takes PrisonPlanet seriously enough as a site where they'd ever bother using it as a reference to begin with.
I was just about to post that! Morty's tactics are what will eventually get him banned. It should have happened years ago I know no other editor who openly gloats and brags about their war on CT'ers and any other subject which happens to offend his far-right POV.

I documented here his completely bogus AFD on ex CIA analyst Kathleen Christision where he used fallacious search terminology to come up with only a few dozen hits and The Cabal got the article deleted on 'NN' grounds.

QUOTE(badlydrawnjeff @ Sat 28th July 2007, 12:41pm) *

What's sad is that Wikipedia takes PrisonPlanet seriously enough as a site where they'd ever bother using it as a reference to begin with.

As sad as the hundreds of links to Newsmax and World Net Daily. I was going to start an article before I got banned. Do you know that some on the far right accused Clinton of both the USS Cole and the Murrah building bombings? Much like the 9/11 - Bush CT's they suspected Clinton executed the bombings so he could pass sweeping anti-terror legislation intended to wipe out the Militia and Patriot movements. I had a great list of quotes from RW nutters defending McVeigh and the bombing too.
Wow, that is way too attackish for me to even repost.
QUOTE(Infoboy @ Sat 28th July 2007, 2:39pm) *
This is another example of how the Real World is now getting more and more frustrated, and are fighting back against Wikipedians directly. Good, this escalation will only continue exponentially, as people come to see it as the norm more and more.

I don't know about exponentially... I mean, it seems to me like it takes the "outside world" a ridiculous amount of time to pick up on this stuff. How long have Morton, MONGO, and Tbeatty been working over the 9/11 stuff? Almost two years, from what I gather.

I noticed that in this case, Jones (the writer) makes heavy use of the word "troll" to refer to the aforementioned and their "ilk." I suspect this is a classic "reap what you sow" sort of situation - Jones may have tried to edit a few things on Wikipedia, been called a "troll," banned, and now he's using his own blog for some payback. Good for him, I suppose... Still, I wonder what he'd be calling Morton and MONGO now if they'd simply called him a "somewhat disagreeable fellow" prior to getting him banned?

There actually is some justification for the word "exponentially" - the blogosphere uses track-back and ping-back extensively, and bloggers usually follow up on their pings. Once enough of them get pinged, the whole thing could conceivably erupt in some sort of "ping orgy," which I'm sure would be a real spectacle. (Though probably not as much of a spectacle as, say, a sex orgy.)
QUOTE(Infoboy @ Sat 28th July 2007, 1:39pm) *

The comments are an outing festival, wow.

This is another example of how the Real World is now getting more and more frustrated, and are fighting back against Wikipedians directly. Good, this escalation will only continue exponentially, as people come to see it as the norm more and more.

Apparently, Tbeatty actually linked Morton here with a Barnstar to prisonplanet:

Despite the fact that Tbeatty himself gets outed hardcore in the article and comments. WTF?!

What do you expect when sociopaths are in control of so much google/yahoo juice.

The news media/real world would, inevitable will take notice and start to fight back and wiki will not win that war.

Considering the nastiness and blatant hypocrisy of Slimy, and the other numbnut wiki-admins it just reflects back on them.

The critical mass on this may have been now reached and it's going to be
a turkey shoot with these major media outlets now racing to "out" the
more notable bad actors of the wacky wiki flying circus.
I didn't notice this before, but now on the front page of prisonplanet is the SlimVirgin Exclusive (now also on digg, as I noted in another thread). another article on there I didn't notice the first time is this one, mainly about User:Tom harrison.
I get a 403 Forbidden error when trying to access the site.
QUOTE(TheInternetSucks @ Sun 29th July 2007, 1:43am) *
I get a 403 Forbidden error when trying to access the site.

I'm getting that too... And coincidentally, that's the same message I used to get from my ex-girlfriend whenever I suggested that we try the infamous "Figure 403 Sliparound Move" from The Joy of Sex, Vol. XIV (Korean edition).
That's interesting. The site *WAS* working, and now its not. Is this significant?

Check out all of the gazillion links to prisonplanet on Wikipedia. And Wikipedia are going to delete all of them, thanks to Marton Devonshire:
Alex Jones is a radio host who gives "hyperbolic" a new meaning. He's the right-wing Chip Berlet, but with a more interesting personality.
QUOTE(GoodFaith @ Sun 29th July 2007, 9:51am) *

Alex Jones is a radio host who gives "hyperbolic" a new meaning. He's the right-wing Chip Berlet, but with a more interesting personality.

On this issue, we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that Alex Jones is one of the most ridiculous and risible figures in public life. Any editors that are seen to be challenging Jones's enterprise, or have been targetted by Jones or his followers will find themselves supported by the world at large.

In other words, for those who want to criticise WP and expose flaws, Jones's involvement is a disaster. In fact, Jones's involvement in anything is a disaster.
Yes, but his supporters are rabidly insane. I don't know how he can be considered right wing in an American context, but the short time I spent at the Jones article made me depressed for our future.
QUOTE(FNORD23 @ Sat 28th July 2007, 8:55pm) *

I was just about to post that! Morty's tactics are what will eventually get him banned. It should have happened years ago I know no other editor who openly gloats and brags about their war on CT'ers and any other subject which happens to offend his far-right POV.

Dude, if you had just followed my advice, you would still be on Wikipedia. I'm not your enemy -- I was never involved in any of that CU/DU bullshit. I've got not grudge against you.

With respect to Prisonplanet, take another look at Alex Jones' statement. He says that Wikipedia is important because of its placement on Google, so PP'ers should go there to make sure that the PP point of view gets expressed. That's the whole reason that I'm hard on these articles, because people use Wikipedia to promote their causes, not to reflect what's already out there in the mainstream media. So lighten up, I'm fighting the good fight.
QUOTE(Morton_devonshire @ Sun 29th July 2007, 12:38pm) *
That's the whole reason that I'm hard on these articles, because people use Wikipedia to promote their causes, not to reflect what's already out there in the mainstream media. So lighten up, I'm fighting the good fight.

Morton, did you ever call Alex Jones a "troll" directly, to your knowledge at least? Or maybe someone who you thought might be him? I don't think that's normally your style, which is to say you have more a lot more style than MONGO, who seems to call people that almost reflexively.

I agree that Jones is part of the "fringe element," and probably not the sort of supporter/ally we really want (though I'm sure he's a swell guy in person). But I have a hard time finding sympathy for the MONGOesque right-wingers who have collectively installed people like that into a totally dominant position within the media, talk radio in particular. They've dropped the level of discourse for the entire medium to an all-time low, quite frankly. I remember a time when I could turn on the radio and actually hear decent local news and commentary on occasion... Now, you only get shrieking reactionaries, conspiracy theorists, and Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf.

Admittedly, when you're doing 4 hours of talk a night, you have to come up with quite a lot of conpiracy theories to fill in all that time... unsure.gif
QUOTE(Somey @ Sun 29th July 2007, 7:08pm) *

But I have a hard time finding sympathy for the MONGOesque right-wingers....

The thing is that MONGO himself is merely an aggressive and abusive volunteer on a website. Alex Jones has been making a good living for years peddling daft stories about real issues. He's a con-man that dupes the innocent to service his bank balance, dragging everything down to his level in the process. He was doing this long before 9/11.
Morton, did you ever call Alex Jones a "troll" directly, to your knowledge at least? Or maybe someone who you thought might be him? I don't think that's normally your style, which is to say you have more a lot more style than MONGO, who seems to call people that almost reflexively.

I don't do that -- I prefer to skewer with sarcasm. But skewer I do, and wouldn't be surprised if I've poked an Alex-sock or two. Those folks are such TRUE BELIEVERS, that it's hard not to make fun of them -- they're almost as bad as the LaRouchers, who see the Rothschilds/Halliburton/The Queen/The Federal Reserve/Illuminati under every rock. But I don't hate any of them -- I think they're just harmless nutburgers. But they obviously hate me to my core, which is surprising.
Prison planet is back up (after being down for ages).

For those of us speculating as to what might have happened, according to them they were attacked by hackers.

As we said, they are now labelled as an "attack site", primarily for their attacks on Morton Devonshire (their attacks on SlimVirgin etc were merely repeats that others had made)

It seems they've got an extra article on Morton now (actually its on Tom Harrison, one of Morton's friends)

And for the record, I am sure that Prison Planet is very proud to be banned from Wikipedia. It probably adds to their paranoia.

The question is this - is there any merit at all to what Prison Planet says? They are notable enough for Wikipedia to have over 100 links to their site. Everyone here seems to think that they are crackpots, but are they crackpots who have occasionally stumbled upon the truth?
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Mon 30th July 2007, 4:03am) *

Everyone here seems to think that they are crackpots, but are they crackpots who have occasionally stumbled upon the truth?


They're not interested in stumbling on the truth. They're interested in selling books, selling videos, feeling important. If anything they say has resonance, it is only because they appropriated it from genuine researchers and twisted it for their own gain.

The enemy of our enemy is not our friend.
QUOTE(Somey @ Sun 29th July 2007, 11:08am) *

QUOTE(Morton_devonshire @ Sun 29th July 2007, 12:38pm) *
That's the whole reason that I'm hard on these articles, because people use Wikipedia to promote their causes, not to reflect what's already out there in the mainstream media. So lighten up, I'm fighting the good fight.

Morton, did you ever call Alex Jones a "troll" directly, to your knowledge at least? Or maybe someone who you thought might be him? I don't think that's normally your style, which is to say you have more a lot more style than MONGO, who seems to call people that almost reflexively.

I agree that Jones is part of the "fringe element," and probably not the sort of supporter/ally we really want (though I'm sure he's a swell guy in person). But I have a hard time finding sympathy for the MONGOesque right-wingers who have collectively installed people like that into a totally dominant position within the media, talk radio in particular. They've dropped the level of discourse for the entire medium to an all-time low, quite frankly. I remember a time when I could turn on the radio and actually hear decent local news and commentary on occasion... Now, you only get shrieking reactionaries, conspiracy theorists, and Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf.

Admittedly, when you're doing 4 hours of talk a night, you have to come up with quite a lot of conpiracy theories to fill in all that time... unsure.gif

I also dislike those MONGO-kind of people. BTW, is MONGO gone? [url=]
,there shows a page of "Expedians" and it shows MONGO and [url=]
This diff
I wonder if she/he is serious? I am glad. She/he was infamous for edit-wars.
Well has discovered the truth of Wikipedia and they're just crazy
The really funny thing is that Prisonplanet's attack on me has had absolutely no impact. Just goes to show you how pathetic and impotent the Nutburgers really are. If they can't bring down the Mom's cookie eatin' gamer-geek Morton_devonshire, then there's no chance they can frustrate the likes of the Bildebergers and the New World Order. I think I'll retire to the basement and play another level of GOW.
Are all of Wikipedia's critics insane?

According to Wikipedia they are.

The only ones of Wikipedia's critics who are not insane are the ones that overall completely love Wikipedia.

Is there a pattern here?
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Sun 5th August 2007, 6:26am) *

Are all of Wikipedia's critics insane?

According to Wikipedia they are.

The only ones of Wikipedia's critics who are not insane are the ones that overall completely love Wikipedia.

Is there a pattern here?

QUOTE(Cedric @ Sun 5th August 2007, 9:11am) *

QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Sun 5th August 2007, 6:26am) *

Are all of Wikipedia's critics insane?

According to Wikipedia they are.

The only ones of Wikipedia's critics who are not insane are the ones that overall completely love Wikipedia.

Is there a pattern here?


No, WIKIA revenue.
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Sun 5th August 2007, 12:26pm) *

The only ones of Wikipedia's critics who are not insane are the ones that overall completely love Wikipedia.

Is there a pattern here?

Has anyone said that I'm insane? ohmy.gif
QUOTE(Morton_devonshire @ Sun 29th July 2007, 10:38am) *

QUOTE(FNORD23 @ Sat 28th July 2007, 8:55pm) *

I was just about to post that! Morty's tactics are what will eventually get him banned. It should have happened years ago I know no other editor who openly gloats and brags about their war on CT'ers and any other subject which happens to offend his far-right POV.

Dude, if you had just followed my advice, you would still be on Wikipedia. I'm not your enemy -- I was never involved in any of that CU/DU bullshit. I've got not grudge against you.

With respect to Prisonplanet, take another look at Alex Jones' statement. He says that Wikipedia is important because of its placement on Google, so PP'ers should go there to make sure that the PP point of view gets expressed. That's the whole reason that I'm hard on these articles, because people use Wikipedia to promote their causes, not to reflect what's already out there in the mainstream media. So lighten up, I'm fighting the good fight.

No you aren't Morty. Your fighting a 'fight' in support of your far-right POV only.

I pretty much lost all respect for you (except for your snarky sense of humor which is very much similar to mine) after THIS: (and the CommonDreams afd)

Example one. (didn't notice this AFD until after it was deleted) Tactics used : Bogus (WAY overly narrow) Google search to assert non-notability. The Cabal exposed their true motives though, as they listed her AFD as "NN: Wife of 9/11 truther"

AFD Kathleen Christison (16 year CIA agent - now critical of Israel

Discussion of this improper AFD:


Under : One particular case with documentation

Common Dreams NewsCenter

First deletion reason: Fails WP:Notability -- a Google News Search results in ZERO results. Completely non-notable Wikipedia:Vanispamcruftisement. Wikipedia is not a place for self-promotion. Part of a Walled Garden of the Progressive blogosphere. MortonDevonshire Yo · 17:32, 3 February 2007 (UTC)

* Google Search for "" --> 1,200,000 hits
* Google Search for "Common Dreams" --> 1,170,000 hits (but its not a unique phrase, thus many hits are not relevant)
* Google Search for ""Common Dreams News Center" --> 87,000 hits
* Google News Search for "" --> 11 hits
* Google News Search for "Common Dreams" --> 28 hits (but only about half references the site)
* Alexa Website Rank for "" --> 9,253 most popular website on the Internet —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 18:39, 3 February 2007 (UTC).

* Google News Seach for "commondreams" --> [4] ~225 hits Bwithh 21:56, 3 February 2007 (UTC)

Comment : So notable that it has its own profile on David Horowitz' 'Discover the Network'. 'popular website founded in 1996' Rename to Common Dreams though - Fairness & Accuracy For All 07:49, 4

You're dishonest Mort.

As I pointed out numerous times, the most popular conspiracy theory in the USA, and the one that sucks the most money out of its victims, is the '6000 year old earth' conspiracy theory. These 'true believers' just suckered 30 Million dollars out of their victims to build a museum dedicated to promoting their conspiracy.

When there's a 30 Million dollar museum documenting 9/11 conspiracies, you let me know, Mort.


Here's the ringer. The 6000 year old earthers are almost EXCLUSIVELY far-right conservatives, so Conservative Cabalists like Mort have absolutely NO interest in battling them.
What about the "Flat Earth" conspiracy theory?

Or the "God made WHITE MEN in his image, other races are devils" theory?

These ones are costing lives.
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Sun 5th August 2007, 7:46pm) *

What about the "Flat Earth" conspiracy theory?

Or the "God made WHITE MEN in his image, other races are devils" theory?

These ones are costing lives.

I don't think many people really believe in the 'flat earth' any more.

The 'Christian Identity' movement is costing lives, but there are a lot fewer of them than there are far-right creationists / evangelicals. Most of these evangelicals hope and pray for a Nuclear Armegeddon, the sooner the better, where the majority of mankind dies, to fulfill their sick twisted biblical prophecy.
What about the whole debate over abortion? There are groups who believe that abortion a fetus is murder, and that you should kill the mother who murders the child, and also the doctor.

There are all sorts of movements like this that are far more dangerous than any "conspiracy theories" about 9/11 truth.
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