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I used to be able to see all posts straight underneath, nice and easy to read. Now its a threaded list, all Slashdot like. I hate the way that Slashdot does things! Is this happening just for me or is it everyone? I am using the Darko skin, is that why? I don't see an announcement to indicate this change. Please can it be changed back? Oh, and if it was a simple bug, I hereby give permission for this post to be deleted (or moved to Wikipedia Review Review etc) when it is fixed.
click options at the top of a post (might have to change to the old green skin, not sure if it's on the others) and select standard.
I don't see a threaded view on Darko :|
Oh thank goodness. Somehow it got busted. Maybe I accidentally clicked on options at one point.
That'd do it.
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