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Full Version: WTB: one adminship
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I'm tired of admin-farming. Could someone just sell me an account?
i'm kinda suprised that doesn't happen already.
I mean its done all the time in World of Warcraft. You drop something around $150+ and are given the password and username to an account with a brand new level 50+ whateveryouwant!
It's probably against WP policy, but, hell, since when has policy meant anything?
I'd take it. That's something I'd go to the trouble of changing ISPs for.
Yes, even if you have to pay an outrageous $60 signup fee for a new ISP. I mean its a good excuse to try out a better ISP.

I am on a new ISP now, and I am living the other end of the country. So of course CheckUser proves that I couldn't possibly be the same user. Sheesh.

Actually, I was thinking we could perhaps have a competition. Qualification is that you must be a banned user (long term 1 year+ or indef, block or ban), and you must get all the way to adminship without getting blocked or found out. You can use any name you like, and you don't have to say which name you used until you've reached adminship. Indeed, you don't have to say anything here at all until you've reached adminship. Once you've got there, tell us something that proves for certain that you're admin and you win the prize. We could perhaps give them a free Wikipedia e-mail address, and some space to put something right here on our servers. I dunno what an appropriate prize might be.

The sad thing is that we could really do it. If you follow the rules on how to become an admin, anyone could do it. Remember to be positive-positive to everyone, especially the upper echelons, to bash critics and so forth, and early on to be very uncontroversial, starting off as a newbie, then becoming better with your edits, and more professional, and more frequent, as if you are warming up to Wikipedia. Its simple enough.

You are disqualified if you get caught out. You can of course try again and see if you can get a 2nd account up to admin before anyone else does anyway. You can even have 2 or more accounts at once to increase your chances, but to also increase your chances of being caught sock puppeting.

And remember that you don't have to be an admin for any length of time. As soon as you get changed to admin on the bureaucrat log, you've won.

You can then choose whether to forfeit your adminship to win the competition or else to just use it and abuse it as you see fit.
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