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jedix a spoof wikipedia article about George Bush


George W. Bush (aka GW aka worthless moron) is the worlds most doofy Tyrant. Inaugurated as [[President]] in 2001, he's every American's worst nightmare. He wasn't born mean and unscrupulous, he worked hard at it. And succeeded. As for stupidity, well, some things are inborn.

His top priorities are pleasing Satanand looking good in front of the rich and the insane (not necessarily in that order). Of absolutely no concern to him is the personal well-being of his citizens or the rest of the world! Bush is politically challenged but he stays current on all the latest political trends, even though he rarely understands them.

Crazy statement include saying the French don't have a word for entrepreneur, and that war is dangerous.
QUOTE(jedix @ Thu 2nd August 2007, 1:00pm) *
...he's every American's worst nightmare. He wasn't born mean and unscrupulous, he worked hard at it. And succeeded.

Hmmm... I have to disagree. I'm pretty sure he was born mean and unscrupulous, possibly the result of some evil genetic experiment.

So, this new website... What's the underlying motivation? Does the fact that Uncyclopedia is owned by Wikia make them uncomfortable, or is Uncyc just too big and well-established now? And presumably ED and the Encyclopedia of Stupid are just too, I dunno, bad-mouthy?

So, this new website... What's the underlying motivation? Does the fact that Uncyclopedia is owned by Wikia make them uncomfortable, or is Uncyc just too big and well-established now? And presumably ED and the Encyclopedia of Stupid are just too, I dunno, bad-mouthy?

Uncyclopedia sold out to wikia! Plus a lot of the big brother stuff from Wikipesia had hit uncyclopedia.
QUOTE(jedix @ Thu 2nd August 2007, 1:00pm) * a spoof wikipedia article about George Bush


George W. Bush (aka GW aka worthless moron) is the worlds most doofy Tyrant. Inaugurated as [[President]] in 2001, he's every American's worst nightmare. He wasn't born mean and unscrupulous, he worked hard at it. And succeeded. As for stupidity, well, some things are inborn.

His top priorities are pleasing Satanand looking good in front of the rich and the insane (not necessarily in that order). Of absolutely no concern to him is the personal well-being of his citizens or the rest of the world! Bush is politically challenged but he stays current on all the latest political trends, even though he rarely understands them.

Crazy statement include saying the French don't have a word for entrepreneur, and that war is dangerous.

Is this a "BASH BUSH" website or is it about wikipedia.

I think you should keep politics off this site and focus on that subject, less
I enter the political fray and you all know where I am on the political

For a show of "Good Faith" this thread should be TAR PITTED.

I don't understand the reasoning why you think this thread should be tarpitted.

The George Bush page was of course an example, not a deliberate dig at Bush (which, if any of us really wanted to do that, we could do a much better job than simply posting a link).

(Of course, I don't understand why anyone would be on the same political side of the fence as Bush but that's not for here...)
QUOTE(Nathan @ Fri 3rd August 2007, 10:58am) *

I don't understand the reasoning why you think this thread should be tarpitted.

All good threads are tarpit threads.
Ha. I remember seeing that somewhere. Wasn't it on a thread?
So Bush is the PHB? I may have to read more of that site.
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