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Full Version: Wrestler bios on Wikipedia
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
The amount of libelous information allowed for in pro wrestling bios on Wikipedia is mind-boggling. I can sense that it is beginning to be cracked down on but there is still a problem. There are so many fanboy entries for run-of-the-mill wrestlers who have never accomplished anything that it is impossible to keep track of all the bios. Even in main wrestler bios, there are unsubstantiated accusations of homosexual relationships (,, drug abuse (, homosexuality and sexual harassment (, alcohol abuse and road rage (, inciting boycotts (, arrests (, illegal residential status in the United States (, assault and battery ( ,, and more. You wouldn't believe the type of accusations that were in before I removed a lot of it months ago. These are just a FEW examples. There are TONS and TONS more. These articles are soured with hardcore accusations that don't have the least bit of sources. Its a microcosm of a much bigger problem, certainly, but its amazing that Wikipedia would not enforce their guidelines on such potentially detrimental material. People such as La Parka Your Car and Burntsauce who worked their asses off to remove uncited libelous content from pro wrestling articles were either personally attacked on numerous occasions or straight out banned for sockpuppetry of myself (when neither was me). The WikiProject: Professional Wrestling is filled with votestacking and solicitation of votes in AFDs and other community discussions.

To this moment, there is subtle vandalism in AT LEAST two wrestler bios that I added six months ago. The "vandalism" states that the in particular wrestlers are good in bed. Yes, that they are good in bed. The info has lasted more than six months. In one of these instances, it took the wrestler DYING before this "information" was removed.
QUOTE(Looch @ Fri 3rd August 2007, 9:24pm) *

The amount of libelous information allowed for in pro wrestling bios on Wikipedia is mind-boggling.

I dunno, but a little birdie told me wrestling is fake.
That has nothing to do with the issue.
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