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Full Version: New program color-codes text in Wikipedia entries to indicate trustworthiness (PhysOrg)
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Yahoo! News
The online reference site Wikipedia enjoys immense popularity despite nagging doubts about the reliability of entries written by its all-volunteer team. A new program developed at the University of California, Santa Cruz, aims to help with the problem by color-coding an entry's individual phrases based on contributors' past performance.

The demo is here and I don't really have time to try it, but in the article this jumped out at me:

"The idea is very simple," de Alfaro said. "If your contribution lasts, you gain reputation. If your contribution is reverted [to the previous version], your reputation falls." De Alfaro will speak about his new program this Saturday, August 4, at the Wikimania conference in Taipei, Taiwan.

Which doesn't sound like the best way of doing this, but I can't think of an easy way to do it.
We need to try this on a controversial article like the Port Arthur massacre, or Georg Cantor.
QUOTE(guy @ Sat 4th August 2007, 3:31pm) *

We need to try this on a controversial article like the Port Arthur massacre, or Georg Cantor.

A score card for edit warring. This could do for edit warring what edit counts do for the vandal patrol role playing game.
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