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Full Version: Jimbo says, "I know stuff"
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
Daniel Brandt
The Wikimedia Board of Directors is evaluating just that issue. See this message and the following thread. This is being handled in a very thoughtful deliberative way. I'm sure your input would be appreciated. Discussion and evaluation is expected to occur during August, so that we can move on end of august on the topic. WAS 4.250 19:24, 2 August 2007 (UTC)

I think you have misinterpreted Anthere's message, which was a general message about checkuser policy, not made in response to this or any other controversy, and certainly the board is absolutely not currently considering making any changes to who has checkuser. Within the English Wikipedia, and all Wikipedias with an ArbCom, the ArbCom decides who is and is not given checkuser access. The ArbCom, of course, is closely following this and all other controversies within English Wikipedia, and will act if it seems there is anything to be done. However, as one of the few people with full access to all the relevant information, I can tell you that any change is extremely unlikely, based on what we know so far, and people should be really cautioned not to listen to luantic trolls about alleged conspiracies. smile.gif --Jimbo Wales 06:53, 3 August 2007 (UTC)

FORUM Image Maximum leader has spoken.
From experience in just talking with ArbCom members, they have a hatred for anyone below the level of administrator except for ex-administrators as long as the ex-administrators dislike Wikipedia Review.

That and combined with ArbCom's many bad decisions (like the recent one with Jayjg), they clearly are untrustworthy with deciding who gets checkuser. It would be better to let a random vandal decide than arbcom. Although, their results are predictable: They only let themselves have it (except recently they finaly gave it to Jimbo Wales) and they won't let any female ArbCom members have it unless the member was born male.
Ridiculous. Der Jimbo has long been living in bizarro world. His statements have no more credibility now than they had during the Essjay debacle.

I urge Wikipedians to come forth and acknowledge that their emperor has no clothes, no tact, and no nouse. Defect before this prophet of pap leads the whole internet down a dark hole of no return.
Yes, let's not forget that Jimbo is the guy that knew exactly who Essjay was, and didn't find it a big deal. Maybe Jimbo doesn't find the current controversy, whatever it is, a big deal either.

My bet is that whatever the "relevant information" is, it's probably a big deal.
An analysis of what he says is undermined by the high probability that he is a clueless windbag who knows less than he says. However let's say he is credible and can be relied upon. He say he knows everything concerning this matter. Can you know that someone is not a spy? Of course not. You can only know that someone is either a spy, or not know the persons status in relation to "spyness." That is the nature of covert activities. So by saying he knows everything....
As I noted in a previous thread - while Jimbo has certainly done his share of questionable things, I find it unlikely that he's gone to this extent, at this point, of protecting anyone if he's not absolutely sure - or at least has reliable evidence to suggest it.
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