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Full Version: Christopher Reeve Misinformation in Wiki
> Wikimedia Discussion > Articles
This article really seems to imply that Christopher Reeve never gave a crap about anyone before he got injured:

QUOTE(jedix @ Sat 4th August 2007, 11:41pm) *

This article really seems to imply that Christopher Reeve never gave a crap about anyone before he got injured:


You actually mean!, don't you?
Ya bad link. Not wiqipedia but wikipedia duh
This has been mentioned on TV and the internet before. It's completely true, though.

However, the article was copied from
So anyway, for the rest of us who can't understand what precisely you are saying, can you please link to a version of the Wikipedia page (not Wiqipedia - that's a different site) that has an incorrect version, and say what it is that is incorrect? Please?
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Sun 5th August 2007, 10:36am) *

So anyway, for the rest of us who can't understand what precisely you are saying, can you please link to a version of the Wikipedia page (not Wiqipedia - that's a different site) that has an incorrect version, and say what it is that is incorrect? Please?

I think what he's trying to say is "please look at my new site where I get to trash Christopher Reeve using terms like suck-ass, bitching and asshole". No need to cancel our subscriptions to the Onion then.
QUOTE(Kato @ Sun 5th August 2007, 2:38pm) *

QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Sun 5th August 2007, 10:36am) *

So anyway, for the rest of us who can't understand what precisely you are saying, can you please link to a version of the Wikipedia page (not Wiqipedia - that's a different site) that has an incorrect version, and say what it is that is incorrect? Please?

I think what he's trying to say is "please look at my new site where I get to trash Christopher Reeve using terms like suck-ass, bitching and asshole". No need to cancel our subscriptions to the Onion then.

Yep, I think that about sums it up.
Perhaps we should suspend Mr. Jedix's member account, given that he seems to have only one specific purpose here?

I mean, it was bad enough before he learned that URL's don't have to match what's being displayed, but now that he has, he seems to be rather eager to test the limits of our patience - not to mention our definition of the term "link-spammer."
It doesn't seem like a very genuine post.

It's up to you whether you delete the post and/or ban/warn the user. I think you'd be well within our rules to do any and all of the above. Or to decide to give him another chance.
I'd give him a first and final warning - next funny business, sorry, but please post elsewhere.
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