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Full Version: WikiEN-l posted one of my posts 1 week late
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
Somey pointed out in this post that something that I had written on August 2nd was finally published on the WikiEN-l mailing list yesterday, on August 7th. This is the post.

Now, that was quite a weighty post. So the question remains as to why the moderators had allowed it, after refusing to print it for 5 days. They had never previously agreed to post any of my other posts, and I had made about 10 or 15 of them in the past 2 years or so.

Furthermore, I couldn't find anyone who had responded to it. I felt that my response was quite comprehensive. It doesn't necessarily agree with what everyone here thinks, but I think that it covers the topic pretty well.

So why do you think that the WikiEN-l's moderators had allowed it to be posted at all? Are they trying to cover their backs, so that they can later claim that they had allowed criticism of SlimVirgin?

Why did they take 5 days to post it, if they were intending to post it?

Any ideas? This doesn't seem to be normal practise, from what I can tell.

QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Wed 8th August 2007, 3:42pm) *

Why did they take 5 days to post it, if they were intending to post it?

Any ideas? This doesn't seem to be normal practise, from what I can tell.

Because the fuss and mess had died down already. Also, for a lot of people, it will sort older delivered messages further up and out of sight in their mail applications. I bet 95%+ of the people never even saw your email because of the willful delay by the mods.
QUOTE(Infoboy @ Wed 8th August 2007, 3:49pm) *

QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Wed 8th August 2007, 3:42pm) *

Why did they take 5 days to post it, if they were intending to post it?

Any ideas? This doesn't seem to be normal practise, from what I can tell.

Because the fuss and mess had died down already. Also, for a lot of people, it will sort older delivered messages further up and out of sight in their mail applications. I bet 95%+ of the people never even saw your email because of the willful delay by the mods.

You have to be like Cplot to make them read anything they don't want to.
Unrepentant Vandal
Maybe a few mods denied it, annother let it through a few days later?
So nobody would have read it? Somey managed to find it at least.

Could it be legitimate? They also posted my other 2 less controversial posts on the same day.
I'm surprised you weren't silenced.
QUOTE(Nathan @ Wed 8th August 2007, 8:39pm) *

I'm surprised you weren't silenced.

Personally, I think there's been a new directive from on high to ignore any post from "outside the trusted community", if it is critical of Wikipedia, but in a sensible fashion. They'll respond with a "tut tut" if the post is foaming at the mouth. But serious criticism? They absolutely ignore it now.

QUOTE(Nathan @ Thu 9th August 2007, 11:09am) *

I'm surprised you weren't silenced.

Well, I am too. When I first found out about the mailing list, in August 2005, I made a number of posts that they refused to publish, or respond to, and after 5 of them they wrote me a nasty message saying don't even bother trying to write any more.

I tried again in January 2006, no luck, and again in about March 2006, and still no luck. I never got any response from anyone, with the exception of when I wrote to Jimbo Wales on behalf of Wikipedia Review, firstly to talk about his legal threat against us, and secondly to try to get him to help us to tackle Amorrow. He of course insisted that he didn't mean it as a legal threat, and others had just interpreted it that way, and then said that he could not help us with Amorrow, but we were free to prosecute him.

Yeah, Wikipedia really does a lot about stalking. They ban the user then refuse to do anything to stop it.
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