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Daniel Brandt
This story is important because it should convince some that Western intelligence agencies are inclined to gravitate toward web publishers such as Wikipedia. There is probably an element within Western intelligence that is very keen on trying to get its foot into various Web 2.0 efforts.

The founder of Daily Kos is a former CIA employee and is still pro-CIA. Daily Kos is one of the most popular liberal blogs. Their wiki,, posted Wikipedia's bio on me but I was able to blank it last December and it stayed blanked.

Hey Slim, I'm sure you'd be welcome over there if the Wikipedia cabal ever considers you to be too inconvenient.

Question: Will this information about the Daily Kos ever make it into Wikipedia's article on Daily Kos or the article on its founder? My guess is, "No." After all, you don't see the word "CIA" in Wikipedia's article on Gloria Steinem, even though it is extremely well documented.
From an article that was cited in an earlier thread:

Rumsfeld boasts of the vast changes in “communications planning” taking place at the Pentagon.

A “public affairs” strategy is at the heart of the new paradigm, replete with “rapid response” teams to address the nagging issues of bombed-out wedding parties, starving prisoners, and devastated cities. No problem is so great that it can’t be papered-over by a public relations team trained in the black-art of deception, obfuscation, and slight-of-hand. Trickery now tops the list of military priorities.

“US Central Command has launched an online communications effort that includes electronic news updates and a links campaign that has resulted in several hundred blogs receiving and publishing CENTCOM content.”

The military plans to develop the “institutional capability” to respond to critical news coverage within the same news cycle and to develop a comprehensive scheme for infiltrating the internet.

The Pentagon’s strategy for taking over the internet and controlling the free flow of information has already been chronicled in a recently declassified report, “The Information Operations Roadmap”; is a window into the minds of those who see free speech as dangerous as an “enemy weapons-system”.

The Pentagon is aiming for “full spectrum dominance” of the Internet. Their objective is to manipulate public perceptions, quash competing points of view, and perpetuate a narrative of American generosity and good-will.

Rumsfeld’s comments are intended to awaken his constituents to the massive information war that is being waged to transform the Internet into the progeny of the MSM; a reliable partner for the dissemination of establishment-friendly news.

The Associated Press reported recently that the US government conducted a massive simulated attack on the Internet called “Cyber-Storm”. The wargame was designed, among other things, to “respond to misinformation campaigns and activist calls by internet bloggers, online diarists whose ‘Web logs” include political rantings and musings about current events”.
Unrepentant Vandal
Pfft, everyone's a CIA employee these days, it doesn't mean that everything they do is on behalf of the agency.
there is a certain amount of insane loyalty that goes into such a career choice that is hard to dismiss.
QUOTE(Unrepentant Vandal @ Fri 10th August 2007, 9:39am) *

Pfft, everyone's a CIA employee these days, it doesn't mean that everything they do is on behalf of the agency.

Everyone? Are you? Only a tiny percentage of people are CIA employees.
Unrepentant Vandal
QUOTE(LamontStormstar @ Sat 11th August 2007, 5:37am) *

QUOTE(Unrepentant Vandal @ Fri 10th August 2007, 9:39am) *

Pfft, everyone's a CIA employee these days, it doesn't mean that everything they do is on behalf of the agency.

Everyone? Are you? Only a tiny percentage of people are CIA employees.

If someone can be of genuine use to the CIA, then 9 times out of 10 they'll be approached. I've known quite a few employees of their British counterparts.

And no, I'm not a CIA employee, but then I would say that...
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Sat 11th August 2007, 2:23pm) *

Guy needs to archive his 1 Mbyte talk page


This guy seems to have disappeared rather suddenly last January. I've heard rumours that he has been blocked indefinitely. Can you confirm?Bdell555 05:32, 30 July 2007 (UTC)

Nota bene: the "back at the ranch" quote to which I was linking is the following:

I will be in Chicago Friday and Saturday at the Yearly Kos conference as a panelist on two workshops on the Religious Right. Hope to see some Wikipedians there. The Religious Right Track at Yearly Kos, Yearly Kos 2007, Daily Kos.--Cberlet 01:36, 2 August 2007 (UTC)

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