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Yahoo! News
"I hate my job -- but I love appletinis!" writes the young sales rep on her MySpace page.

Two percent of bosses report they have canned workers for offensive blogging.

In the popular vernacular, that's known as getting dooced, a reference to Heather Armstrong, a Web designer who was famously booted for bad-mouthing colleagues, supervisors and customers on her site

Armstrong didn't identify her employer and to this day declines to publicly name the company. But maintaining anonymity didn't save her from getting the heave-ho when executives read her musings on management, in which she described the bosses as drug addicts.

That highly publicized incident occurred five years ago. Yet countless workers vent online about their jobs, convinced: a.) the Internet is accessible only to people as cool and clever as they are; or b.) the First Amendment allows Americans to freely hurl mud, venom and ridicule at whomever we wish.

Both assumptions are wrong.

Better to kvetch over coffee with a chum than to insult an employer in a global forum. It's smarter; it's kinder; it's more mature.

These days Armstrong is a stay-at-home mom and a prolific professional blogger. Her cautionary tale won her a listing in Wikipedia, the free-content Internet encyclopedia.

She got a Wikipedia entry for that? blink.gif
QUOTE(Poetlister @ Tue 14th August 2007, 11:56am) *

She got a Wikipedia entry for that? blink.gif


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