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07:50, 12 August 2007 Ryulong (Talk | contribs) blocked "Sucksondong (contribs)" (autoblock disabled) with an expiry time of indefinite (To prevent impersonation)

The account Sucksondong has not been made yet. Googling "Sucksondong" finds nothing.

Why would this name be preblocked "To prevent impersonation" ?
Sucks on dick = Sucks on dong? It sounds like an inappropriate username.

Do you have links we can follow?
Hmmm okay I found something new

07:50, 12 August 2007 Ryulong (Talk | contribs) blocked "Sucksondong (contribs)" (autoblock disabled) with an expiry time of indefinite (To prevent impersonation)
07:49, 12 August 2007 Ryulong (Talk | contribs) created new account User:Sucksondong (Talk | contribs)

Odd.... It's obvious he has a purpose beyond just making every offensive name so he can block it.
Both names end in "ong"; is he going to block every possible name ending in "ong" in case it's an impersonation of him?
He did blacklist both unicode swasticas. Those things are nice to put in names and he ruined them.

There's a username blacklist spot admins can edit
Unrepentant Vandal
He likes to keep himself busy. He's a very special person like that.
Ryulong, Ryushort, Rymelong, Rymeshort, Isyulong, Isyushort, Ismelong, Ismeshort.

The variations are incredible, when you think about it. We could probably make a whole page full of variations if we wanted to.
The Joy
Don't forget Ryuwrong! smile.gif
I like that one best of all.
To do such pointless things as creating inappropriate usernames just so you can block them, I think admin work has got to be some kind of fetish for you.
To be serious, Ryulong has been imped quite a bit, and keeps a list of such impersonators: User:Ryulong/Impostor list. Creating and blocking a possible imp is a new one, though.
There's 55 names on that list, and nobody has thought of "Ryuwrong" yet? What's wrong with these people?

And where's "Catcher in the Ryulong" or "Ham on Ryulong"? I don't even see "Ryu de Janeiro" or "Ryulonger-than-he-is".... Or "Ryuaqualung," for Jethro Tull fans.

Needless to say, I'm disappointed.
If Ryulong creates and blocks any of these, it will suggest that he reads WR.

QUOTE(guy @ Sun 19th August 2007, 9:08am) *

If Ryulong creates and blocks any of these, it will suggest that he reads WR.

You forgot he deleted my userpage simply because he was mad about my posts here.
QUOTE(LamontStormstar @ Fri 17th August 2007, 2:43pm) *

07:50, 12 August 2007 Ryulong (Talk | contribs) blocked "Sucksondong (contribs)" (autoblock disabled) with an expiry time of indefinite (To prevent impersonation)

The account Sucksondong has not been made yet. Googling "Sucksondong" finds nothing.

Why would this name be preblocked "To prevent impersonation" ?

It's called a doppleganger, I think.
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