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I hope that this is the correct link for you all to vote, but here's something worth voting for (by clicking the green "up" arrow):

Bessemer Venture (Jimbo's financiers) paint rosy picture

Or, you can try the Wired board and try to find my post by clicking "new" contributions.

Finally, something from the Wikipedia Scanner that "sleuths" one of Jimbo's cronies!

I would love to find out if anyone at the Wikia offices has been editing anonymously, but (this is strange) I cannot find any IP addresses even assigned to that corporation. Seems that the IP info is just "buried" in the GoDaddy registration. Nice that Jimbo's got it set up so that we can't even learn Wikia's IP address range, while all these other companies are being "wikisleuthed". No surprise there.

Daniel Brandt
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 20th August 2007, 7:58am) *

I would love to find out if anyone at the Wikia offices has been editing anonymously, but (this is strange) I cannot find any IP addresses even assigned to that corporation. Seems that the IP info is just "buried" in the GoDaddy registration. Nice that Jimbo's got it set up so that we can't even learn Wikia's IP address range, while all these other companies are being "wikisleuthed". No surprise there.

I suspect the office has a cable or DSL connection typical of other small businesses in St.Petersburg. They perhaps have a Wi-Fi router so that several can play on the same account at the same time. It is not logical to assume that the Office uses the Wikipedia servers, or that the Office ISP resolves to anything with "Wikipedia" or "Wikimedia" in the name, because Wikipedia's servers are most likely not set up to provide "service" in the sense of a "service provider."

Even if Wikipedia's servers allowed this, you'd have to use an ISP to reach them. They're in a data center and the bandwidth is leased — they're not sitting in a room at the office.

Develop a list of office personnel who have appeared on IRC, and then use the search box at the bottom of to come up with one or more IP addresses that were used during office hours.

I cannot think of another way.

Later: Oops, I just noticed that you are interested in Wikia, not the Wikimedia Foundation. Same story, except you won't find them on an IRC channel. Good luck.

Here's an idea: Launch an email sting. Get together with your friends. Compile as many names and email addresses of Wikia staff who work in the office as you can. Send out innocent questions about Wikia to all of them, from different places. It's possible that they use some sort of email client other than web-based Gmail. If so, it's likely that in the extended headers of their emails you will find an originating IP address. That would most likely be the Wikia office IP address, assuming that they answered your email from the office. That's how I confirmed Brian Chase's workplace when his employer stonewalled me after I faxed them, and then played dumb with me when I called them on the telephone (Mr. Chase was the Seigenthaler vandal).
That's not infallible. The IP address on my office e-mails is not the same as the one on my lunch-time Wikipedia edits or indeed lunch-time Hotmail e-mails.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 20th August 2007, 9:58am) *

I hope that this is the correct link for you all to vote, but here's something worth voting for (by clicking the green "up" arrow):

Bessemer Venture (Jimbo's financiers) paint rosy picture

It seems that my Bessemer Venture scanner result has disappeared, or has been removed. I just went through the entire list, and it's gone. Bessemer must have some capital in Wired, too.

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