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Note:I will say "she" because Grace does not sound like a "he". I wanted to see who Grace Note was, and then I looked at this. It seems she, as a member of the cabal, admits that Wikipedia is not neutral, despite its policy. She admits Wikipedia is hypocritical, and seems to have no problem with it! I don't see how some Elitist Clique member can say this. Where has all the respect gone for Daniel Brandt? I have never heard of him before, and he doesn't even want an article about him so why do administraItors disrespect and "blow off" a person they don't even know? Maybe because he is critical of WP's mighty friend, Google, and Wikipedia feels no sympathy for this man. If someone put information that was libelous about me or that I considered libelous, how it was gotten, I don't know, it is very suspicious. I want this article deleted, because it brings up past things that I never said I wanted documented in the public, and I sent a nice letter to the encyclopædia who documented me to please take the article off. Any sensible person, no matter what the reason is, would take it off, right? But then, out of the blue, some rulers of the encyclopædia come and tell me some Newspeak, and are basically telling me "Eat shit and die" without saying "Eat shit and die". I then become angry, and just want to get to the point. I put the article up for deletion, but everybody votes "Keep", and I find the encyclopædia becomes full of hiveminded people who automatically say "If you don't like the Clique, we don't like you". This becomes incredibly annoying, and I find out they are arguing about whether my sites are attack sites, or if I'm notable, and it turns out that I lost. The article is redirected to my company's article, and all the rest of the information is documented and doled out into other articles. Finally, this admin named Grace Note is making statements about me being notable, me being wrong about my own notability, and claiming that contrary to policy that WP is not neutral, which is obvious hypocrisy, but does not find anything wrong with that? It mustg have been hard for Mr. Brandt. So, who is Grace Note?
QUOTE(jdrand @ Sat 25th August 2007, 1:27pm) *

Note:I will say "she" because Grace does not sound like a "he". I wanted to see who Grace Note was, and then I looked at this. It seems she, as a member of the cabal, admits that Wikipedia is not neutral, despite its policy. She admits Wikipedia is hypocritical, and seems to have no problem with it! I don't see how some Elitist Clique member can say this. Where has all the respect gone for Daniel Brandt? I have never heard of him before, and he doesn't even want an article about him so why do administraItors disrespect and "blow off" a person they don't even know? Maybe because he is critical of WP's mighty friend, Google, and Wikipedia feels no sympathy for this man. If someone put information that was libelous about me or that I considered libelous, how it was gotten, I don't know, it is very suspicious. I want this article deleted, because it brings up past things that I never said I wanted documented in the public, and I sent a nice letter to the encyclopædia who documented me to please take the article off. Any sensible person, no matter what the reason is, would take it off, right? But then, out of the blue, some rulers of the encyclopædia come and tell me some Newspeak, and are basically telling me "Eat shit and die" without saying "Eat shit and die". I then become angry, and just want to get to the point. I put the article up for deletion, but everybody votes "Keep", and I find the encyclopædia becomes full of hiveminded people who automatically say "If you don't like the Clique, we don't like you". This becomes incredibly annoying, and I find out they are arguing about whether my sites are attack sites, or if I'm notable, and it turns out that I lost. The article is redirected to my company's article, and all the rest of the information is documented and doled out into other articles. Finally, this admin named Grace Note is making statements about me being notable, me being wrong about my own notability, and claiming that contrary to policy that WP is not neutral, which is obvious hypocrisy, but does not find anything wrong with that? It mustg have been hard for Mr. Brandt. So, who is Grace Note?

You're beating a dead horse.
QUOTE(Rochelle @ Sat 25th August 2007, 5:40pm) *

You're beating a dead horse.

I disagree. Grace Notes is fair game if she/he is trying to create an article on you. This individual has such an extensive edit history that it should be possible to figure out who they are in real life.
QUOTE(SenseMaker @ Sat 25th August 2007, 1:49pm) *

QUOTE(Rochelle @ Sat 25th August 2007, 5:40pm) *

You're beating a dead horse.

I disagree. Grace Notes is fair game if she/he is trying to create an article on you. This individual has such an extensive edit history that it should be possible to figure out who they are in real life.

I know, but wouldn't that be kind of stalker-ish?
1) Grace Note is a guy
2) Grace Note is hated by about 99.999999% of people on Wikipedia, including the cabal
3) The only reason why Grace Note wasn't banned really early on was because they thought that he was so horrible that it must be some mental condition, and they didn't want to discriminate
4) The only reason why SlimVirgin supports Grace Note is because Grace Note has accused Wikipedia Review of being a "neo nazi hate site front run by holocaust deniers". I doubt that SlimVirgin likes Grace Note for any reason beyond that, and I don't think that anyone else likes Grace Note.
5) Grace Note has bipolar disorder, with extroardinarily little doubt. He attacks his friends and makes friends with his enemies, is very inconsistent, and is on a non-stop loop between very happy and very depressed. He often attacks people while happy, then regrets it while sad. We generally feel very sorry for him, and don't hate him at all, as he has a sickness. However, we still want the results of this sickness, such as his accusing everyone of being holocaust deniers, to be removed.
6) Grace Note is a critic of Wikipedia, and always has been. If he hadn't attacked all of us here, we would have (and in fact before he did, we did) really liked him and appreciated him being here.

I don't approve of attacking someone with a mental illness because they have the mental illness. But at the same time, I don't think that we should have to tolerate the effects of it.

I suspect that Grace Note remains unmedicated. Many people with bipolar disorder refuse to take the medicine, and try to justify the non-stop moodswings, and think that it is just how they are. My older sister has bipolar disorder, and she went for 10 years or more refusing to take medicine, but now she does and it helps quite a lot. She used to do all sorts of stuff that was really hard to deal with.

Saying that Grace Note has bipolar disorder isn't an attack, it is meant to be a way to try to understand him. I may of course be wrong, and there may be a slightly different diagnosis. But it looks to me like a very typical example of bipolar disorder.
QUOTE(Rochelle @ Sat 25th August 2007, 7:02pm) *

QUOTE(SenseMaker @ Sat 25th August 2007, 1:49pm) *

QUOTE(Rochelle @ Sat 25th August 2007, 5:40pm) *

You're beating a dead horse.

I disagree. Grace Notes is fair game if she/he is trying to create an article on you. This individual has such an extensive edit history that it should be possible to figure out who they are in real life.

I know, but wouldn't that be kind of stalker-ish?

Just to point out that user Grace Notes is nothing to do with Grace Note and maybe jdrand is not understanding that a "grace note" is a musical term so it gives no indication that that person is female.
QUOTE(jorge @ Sun 26th August 2007, 4:54am) *

Just to point out that user Grace Notes is nothing to do with Grace Note and maybe jdrand is not understanding that a "grace note" is a musical term so it gives no indication that that person is female.


Grace Note (space, no s)
Gracenotes (no space, s)

Grace Note is the one that everyone hates except for SlimVirgin, Gracenotes is the one that we here at WR quite like, but SlimVirgin hates.
I'd have to agree that Grace Note probably has bipolar disorder and is probably not taking anything for it just because of the whole attacking everyone (even his friends) thing.

My uncle has bipolar and even with the medication, he doesn't know what he's doing half the time, is fixated on money, etc.

I'm bipolar affective (which is not completely the same) and I take pills for it, etc. and I'm not nuts (depends on who you ask, doesn't it?) yet and hopefully never will be.
I do not think that Bipolar disorder should be an excuse to label a whole website that is not focused on Holocaust denial, not racist, and not Stormfront a "Holocaust denial site" and a B.A.D.S.I.T.E. That is not what Bipolar is.
No, bipolar disorder isn't an excuse at all. But let me just explain what I think would have happened if Grace Note was medicated, and highlight the difference:

Unmedicated: Ambi threatens to ban Grace Note for being a critic, Grace Note overhears that SlimVirgin is saying that Igor is a holocaust denier, Grace Note attacks Wikipedia Review to try to avoid being banned, regrets it while on a "downer", then when "manic" attacks us again, calling first Qwerty, then Lir, then Selina, then Blu Aardvark, then me, then Somey holocaust deniers, then when on a "downer" regrets it, and in a bid to avoid total depression, makes further accusations.

Medicated: Ambi threatens to ban Grace Note for being a critic, Grace Note overhears that SlimVirgin is saying that Igor is a holocaust denier, and considers using that to attack Wikipedia Review and avoid getting banned. Without the "mania" he would have stopped and considered it. If he did do it, it would be slow and deliberate and well-thought-out. He would then specify what his accusation was, and make it clear that he still supported Wikipedia Review, and once we moved to the new site been supportive. He is unlikely to have reacted with more lies after that, as his first accusation would have been enough to have stopped him getting banned from Wikipedia. Had he decided to go all out and lie like mad, while not-manic, then he would have done it in a well-thought-out way, and aimed to get in to the Wikipedia cabal properly, which he wasn't able to do.

It doesn't excuse it at all. If someone has been attacked, it doesn't excuse them murdering innocent people that they've never met before. But it perhaps explains why he did it in that way.

Really, the heart of the issue is his immoral act to betray his friends. We were friendly towards him, and he attacked us. That is an extremely unethical thing to do.

Being bipolar doesn't make you a liar, nor does it make you believe stupid things. I don't think that there is any doubt that Grace Note knows he is lying. But the manic episodes that he had led him to decide to go further in to the lie than he really would have done.

See his blog posts and you can see lots of depressing "Downers" too.
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