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Full Version: Contributing free content to sites you do not like
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
I'm curious about some of the motivation here. It seems that many of us grouse about Wikipedia, while still writing articles for it. These articles make it the 9th most popular website in the world, and translate indirectly into more money in Jimbo's pocket.

At the same time, everyone seems to have a beef with Encyclopedia Dramatica, but many go there to read articles and some even contribute.

Why give free stuff to bad organizations?
QUOTE(Emperor @ Sat 25th August 2007, 8:11pm) *

I'm curious about some of the motivation here. It seems that many of us grouse about Wikipedia, while still writing articles for it. These articles make it the 9th most popular website in the world, and translate indirectly into more money in Jimbo's pocket.

At the same time, everyone seems to have a beef with Encyclopedia Dramatica, but many go there to read articles and some even contribute.

Why give free stuff to bad organizations?

I would of course never contribute financially to either WP or ED. That WP can potentially be forked is central to my continued (if weakened) willingness to contribute content.
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