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Disillusioned Lackey
A certain L***a M**ck was in charge of collecting fees from Metropolitan Insurance on behalf of the JEWISH BOARD OF FAMILY SERVICES.



You can scroll and find the links on the page to the disbursements. Apparently Linda Mack is the responsible for the money, and Fernan Tapia, or Tampa, is the Payroll guy administering it. There's no Linda Mack working at the Jewish Board of Family Services at zip 10019, so I wonder if is the Board member, Dr. Linda Gallanter.

Linda is a Dr. Linda (Phd), used to teach (asst professor of education) at Seton Hall University in New Jersey, where she met and married millionaire Sanford Gellerman (who also teaches education), older and married before, head of the Aspen Group Inc. They live in San Francisco, have a private plane. They donate everywhere, including to political candidates. A building was named after both of them in one of the SFO music conservatories.

They are two of the most prominent people in the country working on behalf of Israel. They were two of the prominent persons signing this letter to President Bush: Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East

This is kind of a long shot, but possible.
Sorry? You've confused me.

Also some of your links got messed up. And some of them pointed to confusing web sites.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Sun 26th August 2007, 9:26am) *

Sorry? You've confused me.

Also some of your links got messed up. And some of them pointed to confusing web sites.

Yes, I took out the link on the big page. It wasnt an easy link, and I don't feel like messing with it, so you'll have to scroll or do a search to find her name.

Do a "find" on "Mack" and you'll see her name there. It is striking she'd be receiving lost funds on part of the JFS. I wonder if that was holocaust repatriation. Even if it was Metro Insurance, many US companies disbursed the monies, as some had holdings in Europe way back when.

Just to mix it up, I found a Linda Mack green party candidate in Devon, U.K.

Her picture could be Slim, a bit older. Maybe. Anyways, it is a Linda Mack, in the UK, an official of the Green Party coalition.
Looks like a red herring to me. But I'll leave it up to others to decide if there's any truth to it.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Sun 26th August 2007, 9:41am) *

Looks like a red herring to me. But I'll leave it up to others to decide if there's any truth to it.

You dont find it odd that a Linda Mack is the financial responsible for the national HQ of that huge organization? Ok. As you wish.

Ive often maintained that she must have married someone Jewish, she didnt seem really Jewish until later in life.
Come off it. There are ten Linda Macks and a Belinda Mack on the current British Electoral Roll, so it's a safe bet that there are far more than that in the USA.
QUOTE(guy @ Mon 27th August 2007, 3:38am) *

Come off it. There are ten Linda Macks and a Belinda Mack on the current British Electoral Roll, so it's a safe bet that there are far more than that in the USA.

Yeah, lots of red herrings.

And there would be lots of Linda Macks who are related to Jewish movements in some way too.

This reminds me of a time, about 17 years ago, when I was 15, and front page news in the town where my grandmother lived was that a motor cyclist had died in a horrific traffic accident. The guy had the same name as me, but was 20 years older than me, and living in an entirely different part of the state. My grandmother called up all of the family *just to make sure* I wasn't dead. She thought that perhaps they'd got the age wrong, and the place where I lived, and the physical description, and the fact that I was far too young to ride a motorcycle (as she said "Well, maybe that's why you crashed!").

We laugh about that every so often, but the reality is that its the kind of thing that a family will do.

I can understand why Disillusioned Lackey got excited about it, but I think its about as plausible as that guy in the motorcycle accident being me.
I don't know why you're looking for Linda Mack as we know that LM doesn't use that name anymore because she was a spy.
It's a red herring to me.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(guy @ Sun 26th August 2007, 11:08am) *

Come off it. There are ten Linda Macks and a Belinda Mack on the current British Electoral Roll, so it's a safe bet that there are far more than that in the USA.

Still, it was important enough for you to remember it. smile.gif
QUOTE(Disillusioned Lackey @ Sun 26th August 2007, 5:33pm) *

Ive often maintained that she must have married someone Jewish, she didnt seem really Jewish until later in life.

How do you know "she didn't seem really Jewish"??? blink.gif
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(jorge @ Sun 26th August 2007, 3:58pm) *

QUOTE(Disillusioned Lackey @ Sun 26th August 2007, 5:33pm) *

Ive often maintained that she must have married someone Jewish, she didnt seem really Jewish until later in life.

How do you know "she didn't seem really Jewish"??? blink.gif

Because people picked her apart from her Cambridge days, and since they made every tiny sniping comment about her possible, if she was as into Jewish matters back then, I surmise that someone would have mentioned it. Assume, I mean. What I meant was "seemed into Jewish issues". Her obsession presently implies some close connection, and I think she's stated she wasnt Jewish, so I have the inkling that she married someone who was.
QUOTE(Disillusioned Lackey @ Sun 26th August 2007, 11:01pm) *

Because people picked her apart from her Cambridge days, and since they made every tiny sniping comment about her possible, if she was as into Jewish matters back then, I surmise that someone would have mentioned it. Assume, I mean. What I meant was "seemed into Jewish issues". Her obsession presently implies some close connection, and I think she's stated she wasnt Jewish, so I have the inkling that she married someone who was.

If she wasn't religiously Jewish probably noone would have really known. I can't recall her saying she wasn't Jewish.
Disillusioned Lackey
You are describing a normal person with their religion.

I had the impression that everything this woman believes is in the public domain immediately. She's not the most private person. And since she is so overbearing, I would have expected that she'd have bourne it on people she knew back then.

Some of the people who have written about her knew her pretty well.
QUOTE(jorge @ Sun 26th August 2007, 11:18pm) *

I can't recall her saying she wasn't Jewish.

SeanBlack said explicitly that she wasn't, back on the old forum.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(guy @ Sun 26th August 2007, 4:24pm) *

SeanBlack said explicitly that she wasn't, back on the old forum.

Yes, I know I'd read it somewhere, but I cant recall where and am not moved to look for it.
I don't think we can prove it either way.

She is certainly interested in Jewish activities nowadays.
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