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the fieryangel
On the foundation-L list, Floflo announces that there is a <drum roll> Vision statement for WMF : which turns out to be the old chestnut

Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That's our commitment.

She calls this a nearly impossible pipedream....Been there, done that....

Then she shares the mission statement, which she states is "more practical and down to earth". This turns out to be another old chestnut :

The mission of the Wikimedia Foundation is to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally.

In collaboration with a network of chapters, the Foundation provides the essential infrastructure and an organizational framework for the support and development of multilingual wiki projects and other endeavors which serve this mission. The Foundation will make and keep useful information from its projects available on the Internet free of charge, in perpetuity.

I like the "in perpetuity" part myself. Anyway, more "been there, done that"....

She then announces that they are now taking the <drum roll, followed by cymbal crash> next step, which is to define WMF's "values". Interestingly, the WMF links to this article hosted by a NY based not-for profit consulting firm...(check out their board for more chills and thrills....).

Values represent the core priorities in the organization’s culture,
including what drives people's priorities and how they truly act in the
organization, etc.

...hardly ground breaking, but the advisory board has managed to come up with three shortlists of WMF values here....

They are :

Group 1

* right to knowledge (knowledge without borders)
* participating
* community
* openness
* diversity
* friendliness
* trust

Group 2

* Inclusiveness
* Freedom
* Openness / Transparency
* Pioneering

Group 3

* Openness
* Objectivity (strive to)
* Quality (factual, relevant, valuable)
* Access to production / collaboration
* Respect for the editing community
* Commitment to diversity

This is all very nice and cozy in a Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm sort of way, but I can't really see any of this in the reality of what happens on WP. This is simply laughable.

Are they that stupid or is this just window-dressing for the tax shelter and psy-ops? Something tells me that with all of Floflo's "not-for-profit"Speak going on, that this is tied into their fund-raising strategy....

Just when you think it can't get any worse.....
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Mon 3rd September 2007, 9:40am) *

On the foundation-L list, Floflo announces that there is a <drum roll> Vision statement for WMF : which turns out to be the old chestnut


Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That's our commitment.

She calls this a nearly impossible pipedream....Been there, done that....

Then she shares the mission statement, which she states is "more practical and down to earth". This turns out to be another old chestnut :


The mission of the Wikimedia Foundation is to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally.

In collaboration with a network of chapters, the Foundation provides the essential infrastructure and an organizational framework for the support and development of multilingual wiki projects and other endeavors which serve this mission. The Foundation will make and keep useful information from its projects available on the Internet free of charge, in perpetuity.

I like the "in perpetuity" part myself. Anyway, more "been there, done that"....

She then announces that they are now taking the <drum roll, followed by cymbal crash> next step, which is to define WMF's "values".


Values represent the core priorities in the organization’s culture,
including what drives people's priorities and how they truly act in the
organization, etc.

… hardly ground breaking, but the advisory board has managed to come up with three shortlists of WMF values here....

They are :

Group 1

* right to knowledge (knowledge without borders)
* participating
* community
* openness
* diversity
* friendliness
* trust

Group 2

* Inclusiveness
* Freedom
* Openness / Transparency
* Pioneering

Group 3

* Openness
* Objectivity (strive to)
* Quality (factual, relevant, valuable)
* Access to production / collaboration
* Respect for the editing community
* Commitment to diversity

This is all very nice and cozy in a Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm sort of way, but I can't really see any of this in the reality of what happens on WP. This is simply laughable.

Are they that stupid or is this just window-dressing for the tax shelter and psy-ops? Something tells me that with all of Floflo's "not-for-profit"Speak going on, that this is tied into their fund-raising strategy....

Just when you think it can't get any worse.....

Where is that 2 fingers down the throat emeticon when you really need it ???

Been There, Barf That

Jonny cool.gif
Good thread! I spotted this last night on foundation-l and thought I'd make a post about it if no one else did. I did miss this list of values though. Here are the ones I think are entirely bullshit:

QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Mon 3rd September 2007, 9:40am) *

*Openness / Transparency
* Pioneering

Group 3

* Openness
* Objectivity (strive to)
* Quality (factual, relevant, valuable)
* Access to production / collaboration
* Respect for the editing community
* Commitment to diversity

If we try to examine the list as a whole liberally, some of these may apply. Personally, they lose me at Openness / Transparency--as I don't think that most of the battle cries below that one necessarily apply, practically anyway. I'll let the reader discern why.

The mission statement disturbs me as well. It actually reads to me like the mission statement a science fiction writer would make up for the evil group seeking world domination! biggrin.gif

The mission of the Wikimedia Foundation is to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally.

Those of us focusing our critique on WP-en forget about The Goal of Global Reach™. I may rattle on a bit here, so please excuse me. Sure, I do have my political leanings, but more often than not I choose not to discuss them or push them. I often get along best with people that are somewhat "political opposites" and bringing politics into that sometimes sours a relationship before it can start.

I personally find that editing politics on wikipedia (and by relation, some history articles) is perhaps the most ugly activity on the internet. The hate and venom that I only witness there is enough for me to throw out any optimism I am inclined to have about Wikipedia. Considering this and the fact that an organization's stated goal is to disseminate history changing information globally alarms me and really focuses the Wikipedia problem.

An outrageous phrase that kept popping into my head while reading all of this is "dangerous revolutionary tool". Here's to hoping they stick with the Pokemon articles.
Unrepentant Vandal
What a load of bollocks.
the fieryangel
QUOTE(Unrepentant Vandal @ Mon 3rd September 2007, 7:12pm) *

What a load of bollocks.

I think that an examination of the vision, of the mission statement and of the values should be the subject of a blog post. I think that English WP (at least) has violated all of these at various points. I think that part of what we should be doing is turning their mirrors back at them and letting thme know how things look for the outside.

Shall we try to analyze these together?
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