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the fieryangel
from the Heenamaagalaa article ....

Controversy over Vowel Movement

According to Ynys Llanddwyn, an island off the coast of Wales, Heenamaagalaa borrowed most of its vowels one weekend while the two were briefly neighbors during the Mesozoic Era, but never gave them back. Owing to the large geographic distance now separating the two, and the earth's continued cooling, Ynys Llanddwyn accepts the very real possibility that those vowels are gone for good.

I swear that the person who did this isn't me...but I do tip my hat to him...
Reverted by Wizardman.
I'm pretty sure that was WordBomb, he mentioned it on another thread somewhere.
QUOTE(KamrynMatika @ Tue 18th September 2007, 1:26pm) *

I'm pretty sure that was WordBomb, he mentioned it on another thread somewhere.
I did it originally (July/August of 2006), but not this most recent (re)version.
I'd also like to note that I'm not proud of what I've done. The people of the uninhabited volcanic atoll of Heenamaagalaa deserve better. As do the people of the other 40+ uninhabited volcanic atolls in the general area (and indeed, they each have an article).

I'd also like to point out that you know someone is not a very prolific vandal when they can recall, within one month, the date of every act of vandalism they've committed.
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