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Interesting article about the 2008 election and the articles of the major players. Man, this takes me back:

Thompson's "talk page" is the busiest of the candidate pages, primarily because of two topics: how to address the 25-year age difference between Thompson and his wife, Jeri, and the Sept. 6 Los Angeles Times article that said Thompson's birth name was Freddie.

Tvoz insists that the article should begin with "Freddie Dalton 'Fred' Thompson." Ferrylodge argues that it should be "Fred Dalton Thompson (born Freddie Dalton Thompson)."

Ferrylodge said with a sigh: "We're still waiting for a consensus."
Anyone spot the typical falsehood in that Washington Post article?
"You can't stop the vandals, in real life or on the Internet," said Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia's founder. "But . . . each of these articles are constantly evolving, constantly being edited, constantly being improved."

I can think of many articles that have improved, and many articles that have deteriorated. But as for being constantly edited, he's got that right.
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