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Wikipedia To Test Editing Restrictions
WebProNews, KY -22 minutes ago
Some people love Wikipedia, some people hate it, and pretty much everybody knows better than to cite it as a source. A new editing system aims to make the ...

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You have to love the led:

Some people love Wikipedia, some people hate it, and pretty much everybody knows better than to cite it as a source.
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Tue 25th September 2007, 3:15pm) *

Wikipedia To Test Editing Restrictions
WebProNews, KY -22 minutes ago
Some people love Wikipedia, some people hate it, and pretty much everybody knows better than to cite it as a source. A new editing system aims to make the ...

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A step in the right direction. At least the Foundation is considering changes, rather than sticking with the current format. There's a long ways to go, however, to achieve any level of reliability. My take is that WP needs paid Administrators to supervise, or alternatively, some sort of rating system of Administrators that would promote Provisional Admins to supervisory or full status or remove them after 30 days of review, with regular reviews every 60 days -- in other words, some sort of self-correcting system following the "Wisdom of Crowds" model that created the encyclopedia to begin with.
QUOTE(Morton_devonshire @ Wed 26th September 2007, 8:04am) *

QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Tue 25th September 2007, 3:15pm) *

Wikipedia To Test Editing Restrictions
WebProNews, KY -22 minutes ago
Some people love Wikipedia, some people hate it, and pretty much everybody knows better than to cite it as a source. A new editing system aims to make the ...

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A step in the right direction. At least the Foundation is considering changes, rather than sticking with the current format. There's a long ways to go, however, to achieve any level of reliability. My take is that WP needs paid Administrators to supervise, or alternatively, some sort of rating system of Administrators that would promote Provisional Admins to supervisory or full status or remove them after 30 days of review, with regular reviews every 60 days -- in other words, some sort of self-correcting system following the "Wisdom of Crowds" model that created the encyclopedia to begin with.

I agree that a small cadre of paid "admins" beholden to well defined editorial policies in exchange for a paycheck is the way to go. Of course I don't advocate this for WP but for the successor organization that follows after the fall.
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