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Both those articles for a long time were deleted a lot, cascadingly protected, etc. and admins fought to keep them dead. Then suddenly, amazingly, they came back with full force and are now official articles.

Wikipedia is strangely also not afraid to link to youtube in the Chocolate Rain article, either.
It went through deletion review, and was restored. All quite normal by Wikipedia rules. What is the surprise?
I thought it was banned like madness for months and months and only finally did it come back. I thought there'd be more than one deletion review. I didn't read too far into it but I remember how they used to be banned articles.

I am not sure what "chocolate rain" is but I searched urban dictionary for it and this came up:
LOLOLOLOL! I don't know if that is what the song is about (and if it is, well, that sure is a surprise!) Anyway it seems to be some kind of a You Tube song, but, like with a few internet memes, it has reached ridiculous levels of popularity, hence by Wikipedia standards, it warrants an entry. A bit like Brian Pepper or the Starwars kid.
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