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Full Version: Open letter to those who control Wikifoundation.
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
Pull the Plug on Wikipeida it's a corrupt and perverted swamp, full of certifiable sociopaths, misfits and other pale basement dwelling bottomfeeding punks.

There is no good left in Wikipeida as it now pollutes the blue water internet with its misinformation (Small example of typical misinformation), hate, and other petty games, which have hurt people and perverted the concept of an "online Encyclopedia". Wikipedia is an experiment that had gone "Frankenstein" and this monster lose, and it should be putdown while it still can.

Those,who are in charge at wikipeida and who's minds still have a thread of decency, and common sense left should do the right thing, instead of feeding this out of control beast, just...

a. Pull the plug on wikipeida.
b. Sell the wikipedan domain to a responsible entity, like encyclopedia britania, and give the proceeds to some brick and mortar library, in Florida or worthy educational cause.

It's that simple... While the proof of my contentions is so deep and wide, here and other places on the internet, any simple search and honest read will confirm this.ple search and honest read will confirm this.
<removed see above>
If Jimbo took down Wikipedia tomorrow, do you think it would all just go away? The text is out there, with an open license. Someone else would host it, if only to get traffic. And while they're serving up the archive, they might as well run the PHP that turns it into a Wiki.

You cannot kill WP; cutting off one head will only sprout more. The best you can do is fork WP and make your fork more successful than those of others. However, there is a huge amount of interia due to installed user base and Google ranking, so Jimbo would pretty much have to throw in the towel before someone else could take over. Having said that, a court could throw the towel in for him. Perhaps death would be a positive improvement for WP, spawning a replacement that sticks to the law and isn't quite as evil.

QUOTE(alienus @ Tue 2nd October 2007, 10:20pm) *

If Jimbo took down Wikipedia tomorrow, do you think it would all just go away? The text is out there, with an open license. Someone else would host it, if only to get traffic. And while they're serving up the archive, they might as well run the PHP that turns it into a Wiki.

You cannot kill WP; cutting off one head will only sprout more. The best you can do is fork WP and make your fork more successful than those of others. However, there is a huge amount of interia due to installed user base and Google ranking, so Jimbo would pretty much have to throw in the towel before someone else could take over. Having said that, a court could throw the towel in for him. Perhaps death would be a positive improvement for WP, spawning a replacement that sticks to the law and isn't quite as evil.


In my crazy head, I imagine that could (theoretically) pretty easily capture more than a billion wiki pages. One for each Internet-connected person on the planet (1.2 billion at last count), plus all of the businesses and sole proprietorships.

Of course, not every Internet-connected person WANTS to post their biography on a directory website, but hey -- certainly 20% would, right?

So, if Centiare settled for 240 million pages... we'd still be a heap bigger than Wikipedia, right? Maybe we could then start to chip away at its dominance of the encyclopedia biz.

QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 2nd October 2007, 10:57pm) *

In my crazy head, I imagine that could (theoretically) pretty easily capture more than a billion wiki pages.

What defines a wiki isn't so much the content but the process by which it is created and managed. Centiare "supports advocate points-of-view", which makes it an interesting alternative for the sort fo WP content that pretends to be neutral reporting about notable companies but actually consists of puff pieces apparently written by employees. Let people own their self-advocacy articles and be honest about what they are. In this way, Centiare serves a need, providing a directory of things that belong on the net but don't belong in an encyclopedia project.

What Centiare doesn't seem to cover is the need for objective reporting even on controversial topics. This is where WP fails most spectacularly and it's where Citizendium is trying to do better. Having said that, I think the show-your-faces approach of CZ is stupid and refuse to participate.

That was you posting on Kelly Martin's blog.
The Joy
QUOTE(Joseph100 @ Tue 2nd October 2007, 11:35am) *

a. Pull the pug on wikipeida.

Did you mean "Pull the Slim Poodle on WP?"

I wonder what ever happened to that pug? Blocked by Ryulong for not "contributing" (in his opinion) to WP's mainspace, no doubt!

The Pug... I mean... Joy

(P.S. No offense, Joseph. smile.gif )
QUOTE(alienus @ Tue 2nd October 2007, 8:20pm) *

If Jimbo took down Wikipedia tomorrow, do you think it would all just go away? The text is out there, with an open license. Someone else would host it, if only to get traffic. And while they're serving up the archive, they might as well run the PHP that turns it into a Wiki.

You cannot kill WP; cutting off one head will only sprout more. The best you can do is fork WP and make your fork more successful than those of others. However, there is a huge amount of interia due to installed user base and Google ranking, so Jimbo would pretty much have to throw in the towel before someone else could take over. Having said that, a court could throw the towel in for him. Perhaps death would be a positive improvement for WP, spawning a replacement that sticks to the law and isn't quite as evil.


non-sequitur!!! Illrelavent!!

a. The en.Wiki is the largest and most known of the "wiki's" and as such drives this wiki-isation of the internet.

b. As the abuse of these wiki's continue, The law, here in the USA and other place will be changed, as more and more people are Defamed, hurt and fed up the and the spawns of wiki's. The law here and other place will place direct and full responsibility on those that administer and own this wikis with lawsuits and other sanctions.

This will happen...I have it on good authority that, in the USA, Section 230 is be reviewed and will be brought up some time in the future... This will happen and all of this "WIKIFAD" will "FAD" in the history as the CB craze in the 1970's did, good buddy, ten four...

c. If wikipeidia should closed up and prior to the change in law, the other "wikis" will never be as big or omnipotent or have the kind of google juice as the en.wikipeida has now and in fact, once en wiki repudiated by it closure and dismantling, this will never be the case for any site again. This inevitable and will be the case should wikipeida be removed from the internet.

QUOTE(The Joy @ Tue 2nd October 2007, 10:02pm) *

QUOTE(Joseph100 @ Tue 2nd October 2007, 11:35am) *

a. Pull the pug on wikipeida.

Did you mean "Pull the Slim Poodle on WP?"

I wonder what ever happened to that pug? Blocked by Ryulong for not "contributing" (in his opinion) to WP's mainspace, no doubt!

The Pug... I mean... Joy

(P.S. No offense, Joseph. smile.gif )

No problem.... we all make mistakes and errors in "real time"

QUOTE(Viridae @ Tue 2nd October 2007, 9:50pm) *

That was you posting on Kelly Martin's blog.

Why you asked...
I think that with the start-up costs of launching a wiki being essentially zero, that we're going to see more and more small wikis chipping away at Wikipedia, especially as the search engines get better and make it easier for people to find superior content. Much of Wikipedia remains mediocre, the contributor base is disillusioned, and there's a real opportunity for small groups of motivated ex-Wikipedians to churn out content off-Wikipedia and have it be recognized and read by large groups of people.

Of course Wikipedia will then steal that content and incorporate it, but by the very nature of Wikipedia those articles will eventually dissolve back into a misshapen mess.
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