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The article here explains why the so-called consensus process on WP doesn't work.

This may be my last post for a while; I'm going to be busy doing RL stuff.

QUOTE(alienus @ Thu 11th October 2007, 12:52am) *

The article here explains why the so-called consensus process on WP doesn't work.

This may be my last post for a while; I'm going to be busy doing RL stuff.


It is an interesting article Al. I think the article points out an area in which normal consensus processes don't work. WP "consensus" is not consensus at all. The primary reason WP "consensus" is so very broken has more to do with distortions from a dysfunctional social networking environment.
Consensus will never work; especially when dealing with kids that lack any sense of wisdom.

"0" experience at living does not bode well for any truly logical thinking.

The U.S has a system of laws that generally work. Their are age limits for holding an office, which is a good thing. That is not to say all leaders are good at what they do, but many do have some sense of patience and wisdom.

Without a governing body and a judicial system of logical rules and laws, with real leaders, there will always be an ending battle with the end result being a default to the mediocre; average, followed by chaos and anarchy. Then there will be war. The wars rarely end with any truly positive outcome. Gangs erupt in order to circumvent any order that might be present in a social system without real leaders.

Corporate systems work reasonably well. That is how WP will be run someday, after it is re-mixed and sold.

It is human nature to defend an opinion even if proven wrong and even in the face of a reality that, in fact, destroys the fabric of any reasoning for said opinion in the beginning. We are creatures of denial and ego. unsure.gif
QUOTE(WhispersOfWisdom @ Thu 11th October 2007, 4:26pm) *

Corporate systems work reasonably well. That is how WP will be run someday, after it is re-mixed and sold.

I have given some thought about this. I don't think WP as a for profit is the way forward, but I think there might be a way to make a transformation from non-profit possible, if not desirable. WMF could make a arms length and for-full-value transaction with a for profit company. This would need to include fair market valuation for all assets, including intangible such as name, trademark, good faith, reputation etc. WMF would then have converted all the assets into cash, which in turn could be designated as a donation to another non-profit, perhaps with a somewhat related purpose. WMF then drinks the final kool-aide and blinks out of existence. The less the principals of WMF (Wales, Angela etc) have to do with the transaction the better.

It still poses problems such as the frustration of donor's intent. It would be given tremendous scrutiny. But it might wash.

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