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"Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, along with Oh Yeon Ho, the founder of OhmyNews, spoke about the role of online media and community to a small group last night at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism."


Scholars of Mimbo Jimbo will recall that OhmyNews ran the story "Wikipedia and the Intelligence Services" that caused a storm in July.

Perhaps Jimbo should have asked the founder of Ohmynews about the story, which he said at the time "is demented and broken on so many levels, it is quite difficult to know where to begin, even." and how "conspiracy theories" published by Oh Yeon Ho were "about a private person who has absolutely no relation to the wild stories that this article promulgates."
QUOTE(Kato @ Sat 13th October 2007, 1:34am) *

"Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, along with Oh Yeon Ho, the founder of OhmyNews, spoke about the role of online media and community to a small group last night at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism."


Scholars of Mimbo Jimbo will recall that OhmyNews ran the story "Wikipedia and the Intelligence Services" that caused a storm in July.

Perhaps Jimbo should have asked the founder of Ohmynews about the story, which he said "is demented and broken on so many levels, it is quite difficult to know where to begin, even." and how "conspiracy theories" published by Oh Yeon Ho were "about a private person who has absolutely no relation to the wild stories that this article promulgates."

Jimmy hob-knobbed with OhMy-san himself? Does Princess Slimmy know the King has betrayed her?
Clearly, this was the unkindest cut of all.
The article now has a comment (Kato was plagiarized) awaiting moderation.
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