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This is hilarious...

Last week, I noticed that the Northern Alliance Radio Network website was down... I Googled the NARN to see if I had the wrong URL. I noticed that there was a Wikipedia page for the NARN (with the bad link). I looked to see who created and edited the NARN Wiki page and found out it was create and edited by one of the regulars on the NARN, a right-wing blogger Named Mitch Berg who created other Wiki pages for other right-wing blogger/NARN talk radio hosts/bloggers.

I noted this on the Lloydletta blog and Wikipedian Mitch Berg and his fans went ballistic... and they're still mad!

Aint the internets wonderful?

QUOTE(Avidor @ Sat 13th October 2007, 3:36pm) *

This is hilarious...

Last week, I noticed that the Northern Alliance Radio Network website was down... Aint the internets wonderful?

Just how nutty is this group? Are we talking Ann Coulter nuts, or Alex Jones nuts?


Just how nutty is this group? Are we talking Ann Coulter nuts, or Alex Jones nuts?

The NARN are fans of Coulter and Michelle Malkin etc.

It's the standard extreme right-wing talking points stuff.

It's pretty pathetic that Mitch Berg made a wiki page for his NARN talk-show/blogging buddies (with fawning quotes)... even more pathetic that the link to the NARN web page is dead.

...even more pathetic when they got mad about it.

Wikipedia is the place to go for pathetic people looking to promote themselves and their friends.
UPDATE: The NARN's Mitch Berg Proclaims the Wiki-Notability of the NARN.

Right-wing blogger and Wikipedian Mitch Berg removed the notability warning on his NARN Wikipedia Page (December 12th)

"I removed the notability tag; the show draws 20,000 podcast downloads a week, and books presidential candidates as guests."

20,000 podcast downloads a week? How is that possible when they haven't posted any podcasts on the NARN's website since November 13th?


Have to say that Michelle Malkin person is spot on about some things:

I had a flick through those websites and those radio station people seem pretty much stereotypically ignorant far-right republicans tho.
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