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"We also have to watch out, though - for fuckheads like ED and even Bagley we're, honestly, well-equipped to handle them as-is because they're so self-obviously stupid. But we have to remember, we are the 800 lb gorilla in most conflicts with people.

We are huge. We are a huge fucking website staffed by people who do not know how to run the ninth biggest website on Teh Intarwebs.

We are bigger than Blogger, bigger than eBay, and bigger than Amazon. We have no clue how to deal with that. And I count myself in that we.

I have no fucking clue why I am a powerful and trusted administrator on the ninth biggest website in the world."


Has Phil Sandifer been eating too much popcorn before bed again?
the fieryangel
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Tue 23rd October 2007, 5:30am) *

Has Phil Sandifer been eating too much popcorn before bed again?

I think that we need to insist that they all get tested for steroids before this goes any further....
"I have no fucking clue why I am a powerful and trusted administrator on the ninth biggest website in the world."

You're not the only one wondering that, Phil.
Let's not mock. Let's give him the WR award for blunt honesty.
QUOTE(guy @ Tue 23rd October 2007, 7:24pm) *

I have no fucking clue why I am a powerful and trusted administrator on the ninth biggest website in the world."

Aw heck, an' we trust many multinationals, the armies and government? Taken in realtion to some of the other shenanigans folks in positions of trust get up to I'm not too worried... biggrin.gif
But we have to remember, we are the 800 lb gorilla in most conflicts with people.

Yes, any ordinary person or group of people is powerless on WP because they can be banned without warning and have no chance of appeal. Don't I know it! mad.gif

QUOTE(Kato @ Mon 22nd October 2007, 10:34pm) *

But we have to remember, we are the 800 lb gorilla in most conflicts with people.
Phil and JzG are going to need to coordinate their efforts a little better. Last week, while trying to make a (rather wordy) case in favor of what one might call BADSITES a la Guy, JzG actually said I was the 800 lb gorilla.
QUOTE removes a farcical situation where we ban while allowing links to, where EightHundredPoundGorilla is a prominent member and is pursuing exactly the same agenda, along with several other problematic individuals also pursuing other agendas...
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Mon 22nd October 2007, 10:30pm) *

Has Phil Sandifer been eating too much popcorn before bed again?

How does that relate?

The thing is that had Wikipedia not been corrupt to the core and full of gazillions of loopholes that allows someone like Phil Sandifer to not only get in power but to stay there, then Phil would be on this side of the fence, an outsider looking in, and we'd all be listening to his wisdom at being a former administrator. Its just that Wikipedia is one of those weird places that just refuses to get rid of someone as obviously bad as he is.
The Joy
QUOTE(LamontStormstar @ Tue 23rd October 2007, 12:32pm) *


Bananas, then.
QUOTE(WordBomb @ Tue 23rd October 2007, 4:56pm) *

Phil and JzG are going to need to coordinate their efforts a little better. Last week, while trying to make a (rather wordy) case in favor of what one might call BADSITES a la Guy, JzG actually said I was the 800 lb gorilla.



Fossey's Law
"As a wikipediot discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison to an 800 lb gorilla approaches 1"
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