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Wikipedia just likes to create its own dictionary, just for itself.

Peacock terms.

How about we avoid wikispeak?
LessHorrid vanU
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Sat 27th October 2007, 3:28pm) *

Wikipedia just likes to create its own dictionary, just for itself.

Peacock terms.

How about we avoid wikispeak?

Converse in Croat?
QUOTE(LessHorrid vanU @ Sat 27th October 2007, 10:22pm) *

QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Sat 27th October 2007, 3:28pm) *

How about we avoid wikispeak?

Converse in Croat?

You mean there isn't a Croat Wikipedia?
If you say that someone is making a topic look big and significant and important when it isn't, you're probably going to get arguments. If you just call the article "WP:PEACOCK", people are much less likely to. And isn't Wikipedia all about forcing people not to argue with the cabal *ahem*, I mean people who have a WP:CLUE unlike us peons?
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