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Full Version: "It's time for this thread to be archived."
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
When a thread grows too controversial......

"It's time for this thread to be archived."

Basically, burrying the thread and fooling themselves into thinking it won't come back.
Another typical thing I am seeing lately is to make subpages on the noticeboards. In about 2 and a half weeks, about 4 or 5 discussions I was involved with was immediately put into a subpage after open for about a day or so. Two dealt with copyright issues, 1 dealt with mentorship, 1 dealt with editing issues and the last one dealt with Milotpia's block.
Sounds like making subpages is to hide them. But making subpages makes them linger on forever.
Agreed. I even was asked to deal with one subpage, if it would be deleted or not. I frankly have no idea about what to do it with, but knowing some of the folks on the site, they will probably linger.
Making subpages can at least be defended; they are reducing the size of the noticeboard. There's no excuse for trying to force an end to a discussion by putting on a template.
QUOTE(Amarkov @ Sun 28th October 2007, 3:09pm) *

Making subpages can at least be defended; they are reducing the size of the noticeboard. There's no excuse for trying to force an end to a discussion by putting on a template.

Reduction in the size of a ridiculously busy noticeboard is the reason they get moved to a sub page.
LessHorrid vanU
I think I might of started the trend of moving large topics to a subpage on WP(this one?). It certainly wasn't with the intention of hiding them. My only (unaddressed) problem is how to keep the marker active on the original page, for the benefit of infrequent visitors.
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