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Full Version: SlimVirgin and Jayjg still gone, but Crum375 is still active
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SlimVirgin and Jayjg still are gone, but Crum375 is still active. Crum375 as you remember was suspected of being a SlimVirgin sock. Is Crum a SV sock or is Crum an ElenorD sock? Or is Crum a Musical Linguist sock?


14:01, 12 October 2007 Crum375 (Talk | contribs) deleted "Swalwell, Alberta" ‎ (trolling)
19:11, 17 September 2007 ElinorD (Talk | contribs) deleted "Swalwell, Alberta" ‎ (Created by troll)
13:01, 9 September 2007 ElinorD (Talk | contribs) deleted "Swalwell, Alberta" ‎ (Created by troll)
21:49, 22 June 2007 Crum375 (Talk | contribs) deleted "Swalwell, Alberta" ‎ (created by troll)
00:00, 13 June 2007 Crum375 (Talk | contribs) deleted "Swalwell, Alberta" ‎ (troll account)
15:23, 11 June 2007 Crum375 (Talk | contribs) deleted "Swalwell, Alberta" ‎ (trolling)
14:57, 10 June 2007 Crum375 (Talk | contribs) deleted "Swalwell, Alberta" ‎ (troll account)
23:34, 27 May 2007 Musical Linguist (Talk | contribs) deleted "Swalwell, Alberta" ‎ (Created by troll/stalker)
00:10, 6 May 2007 Crum375 (Talk | contribs) deleted "Swalwell, Alberta" ‎ (content was: ''''Swalwell''' is a small town in Alberta, Canada.Category:Locations' (and the only contributor was 'Schloff') created by troll)
23:09, 20 April 2007 Doc glasgow (Talk | contribs) deleted "Swalwell, Alberta" ‎ (created by troll)

I think that Crum375 is a different person, but he is ridiculously helpful towards SlimVirgin. I think that most likely he is simply someone that figured out that if you want power on Wikipedia then you suck up to SlimVirgin.
One interesting SV/Jayjg crony who disappeared at the same time is User:IronDuke. IronDuke could always be counted on to take Slim's (and more importantly, Jayjg's side in any dispute. He was an aggressive editor on Israel-related articles, and was often protected by Jayjg. Slim also used him to troll people she wanted to ban.
.... (added Nov 4) .... and now Slim and IronDuke have both turned up again, at approximately the same time, having been AWOL for almost identical durations. Curiouser and curiouser!
QUOTE(gomi @ Mon 5th November 2007, 2:39am) *

.... (added Nov 4) .... and now Slim and IronDuke have both turned up again, at approximately the same time, having been AWOL for almost identical durations. Curiouser and curiouser!

IronDuke was a party to the Allegations of Apartheid case.

Also curious is admins are now more relaxed on what stays on Slim's talk page. SV restored a deleted comment from Dorftrottel⁠, who shortly thereafter was blocked for EWD (editing while drunk). A later entry by Phase4 referencing the Talk:Robert_Black_(professor) was allowed to remain.
Daniel Brandt
Slim's User_talk archives are now searchable despite her efforts to make them vanish. I may have been too late in grabbing them, and some stuff was perhaps oversighted. For example, I had to call up the "My dogs" picture in Archive 02 from my server locally, with a picture of her dogs that I downloaded long ago. For some strange reason, the pic on this archive page had a "Playing.jpg" that showed some dude playing the saxophone, with comments nearby about how it was so cute the way her dogs were playing. Coincidence or conspiracy? blink.gif
QUOTE(gomi @ Mon 5th November 2007, 2:39am) *

.... (added Nov 4) .... and now Slim and IronDuke have both turned up again, at approximately the same time, having been AWOL for almost identical durations. Curiouser and curiouser!

Now you mention it I think I noticed a connection before, or someone mentioned it here perhaps?
We don't seem to mention IronDuke a lot.

Perhaps because there was a Duke something else who was quite nice and I at least think of him whenever people say IronDuke.

But IronDuke is probably just another knight in shining armour out to help out the poor innocent damsel in distress.
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