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Full Version: Jimbo's Pledge of Personal Commitment
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
Foundation board members, officers, and executives are required to acknowledge, not less than annually, that he or she has read and is in compliance with the WMF COI policy and provide a pledge of personal commitment.

According to the link from the COI policy page, Jimbo didn't actually read his pledge very closely before signing.




As a member of the board of trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation, I, Florence Devouard, am committed to Wikimedia Foundation’s goal to establish and maintain the highest level of public confidence in its accountability. I have personally committed to follow the standards set out below, which represent the Wikimedia Foundation’s conflict of interest policies:

I will conduct my activities with the board of trustees of Wikimedia Foundation so that I do not advance or protect my own interests, or the private interests of others with whom I have a relationship, in a way that is detrimental to the interests of, or to the fundamental mission of, Wikimedia Foundation.

In every instance in which I represent the Wikimedia Foundation, I will conduct my activities in a manner to best promote the interests of Wikimedia Foundation.

In all matters that come before the board of trustees for a vote that may favorably impact my own financial interests, or the private interests of others with whom I have a financial relationship, or any organization of which I am a part, I will reveal that relationship and abstain from a vote in the matter.

When a conflict of interest arises, or when a potential conflict of interest emerges, I will promptly disclose that conflict, or potential conflict, to the Executive Director of Wikimedia Foundation and to the Chairman of its board of trustees and seek a resolution of that issue.

Entered into on this the 5th day of November, 2006.

Jimmy Wales
Member, Board of Trustees
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

He's got a day to reaffirm his commitment, or he'll be out of compliance. And Jimmy, you mustn't copy someone else's homework this time.
The Joy
That pledge was made Nov. 5th 2006 and he corrected it a few weeks later.
QUOTE(The Joy @ Sat 3rd November 2007, 9:48pm) *

That pledge was made Nov. 5th 2006 and he corrected it a few weeks later.

Still goes to show a certain cavalier approach to ethics.
The Joy
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Sat 3rd November 2007, 11:52pm) *

QUOTE(The Joy @ Sat 3rd November 2007, 9:48pm) *

That pledge was made Nov. 5th 2006 and he corrected it a few weeks later.

Still goes to show a certain cavalier approach to ethics.

As long as it pleases the lawyers and potential Federal investigators, I guess it is good enough for Jimbo.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(tarantino @ Sat 3rd November 2007, 9:40pm) *



As a member of the board of trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation, I, Florence Devouard, am committed to Wikimedia Foundation’s goal to establish and maintain the highest level of public confidence in its accountability. .


Thanks for that.
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