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From PDF page 34 of the suit found here:

118. Overstock has also used anonymous agents to attack, threaten, spy on, and disparage the company's critics on internet message boards and on websites that those agents control. One such example is Judd Bagley, formerly Overstock's "Director of Social Media" and now its communication director. While an officer of Overstock, Bagley also maintains a website, called, which he uses to vilify those who criticize Byrne and Overstock

121. Bagley and other Overstock employees also engaged in repeated and pernicious misinformation campaigns on Wikipedia, an internet encyclopedia website that allows anyone with an internet connection to add to and edit entries. Those acts of vandalism became so pervasive that Wikipedia editors were forced to block all "internet protocol" ("IP") addresses associated with from making edits to the site. The vandalism included repeated attempts to insert material about Weiss, which Wikipedia editors believed to be inaccurate and defamatory.

When the subpoenas start to fly, it is possible both WP and WR will become involved.

Note there may be transcription errors, please cross reference this with the original.
QUOTE(tarantino @ Wed 14th November 2007, 11:53pm) *

From PDF page 34 of the suit found here:

118. Overstock has also used anonymous agents to attack, threaten, spy on, and disparage the company's critics on internet message boards and on websites that those agents control. One such example is Judd Bagley, formerly Overstock's "Director of Social Media" and now its communication director. While an officer of Overstock, Bagley also maintains a website, called, which he uses to vilify those who criticize Byrne and Overstock

121. Bagley and other Overstock employees also engaged in repeated and pernicious misinformation campaigns on Wikipedia, an internet encyclopedia website that allows anyone with an internet connection to add to and edit entries. Those acts of vandalism became so pervasive that Wikipedia editors were forced to block all "internet protocol" ("IP") addresses associated with from making edits to the site. The vandalism included repeated attempts to insert material about Weiss, which Wikipedia editors believed to be inaccurate and defamatory.

When the subpoenas start to fly, it is possible both WP and WR will become involved.

Note there may be transcription errors, please cross reference this with the original.

So Rocker is going to call Dan Mitchell from the New York Times to the stand? That's the author of the material that was attempted to be included in Weiss's autobiography by many people who do not work for

They're throwing everything against the wall and seeing what sticks, just like the Jimbo's crew on WP does.

And by the by, I flagged to the COI board a Copper River IP address attempting to anonymously edit out properly sourced material from major news sources out of an article. I forget if it was Rocker's or Copper River's article. It wasn't that bad either.

There were some Overstock IP address on the Overstock article trying to edit it a while back, claiming they wanted to format it in a similar way to the Amazon article. Reasonable request, and WP also was reasonable if they curbed that. I didn't see any Overstock IP addresses editing any of the Overstock/Byrne/Weiss/etc articles while I was editing them. Perhaps checkusers found differnently, but I wouldn't trust any of those CU assholes as far as I could throw them. The lies going around in retaliation for Brandt/Bagley's outing of the SlimJay affairs were way over the top.
QUOTE(tarantino @ Wed 14th November 2007, 5:53pm) *
When the subpoenas start to fly, it is possible both WP and WR will become involved.

I'd be absolutely shocked if they even know we exist! But if they do, I hope they read every frickin' word.

Frankly, it looks to me like this is a bunch of people who are pissed off because some investors, who may or may not be particularly bright, believed some overly-optimistic revenue projections, bought some stock because of those projections, and made them lose money. So maybe they only took home tens of millions in income that year, instead of hundreds of millions.

Boo hoo.
QUOTE(tarantino @ Wed 14th November 2007, 6:53pm) *

From PDF page 34 of the suit found here:

118. Overstock has also used anonymous agents to attack, threaten, spy on, and disparage the company's critics on internet message boards and on websites that those agents control. One such example is Judd Bagley, formerly Overstock's "Director of Social Media" and now its communication director. While an officer of Overstock, Bagley also maintains a website, called, which he uses to vilify those who criticize Byrne and Overstock

121. Bagley and other Overstock employees also engaged in repeated and pernicious misinformation campaigns on Wikipedia, an internet encyclopedia website that allows anyone with an internet connection to add to and edit entries. Those acts of vandalism became so pervasive that Wikipedia editors were forced to block all "internet protocol" ("IP") addresses associated with from making edits to the site. The vandalism included repeated attempts to insert material about Weiss, which Wikipedia editors believed to be inaccurate and defamatory.

When the subpoenas start to fly, it is possible both WP and WR will become involved.

Note there may be transcription errors, please cross reference this with the original.

It is a mere pleading, only a few days old. It hasn't even been tested by motion at this point. It has a ways to go before that is a concern, if ever.
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