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Well, let's just say that the activity is nearing zero.

One guy on in the last month and he is leaving. (Word!)

This baby is not going to make up any shortfall at WP, if the WMF had any designs on it becoming the next Google or MySpace. ohmy.gif
Wow, WoW. You've hit on something that I was beginning to suspect all along. Wikia Search ("the Google killer", remember everyone?) may just go the way of Jimbo's "Openserving" project. Remember how much that one was hyped back in December 2006?

Slowly spinning down the drain.

If this is their idea of follow-up after a major public-relations initiative, why don't they just announce a new Wikia that will cure cancer? Or solve the problems in the Middle East, once and for all? I mean, if they're that good at hoodwinking the media with their bogus "projects," why not just go for broke?

I mean, if they're laughing at the press now, think of the hilarious guffaws that could be produced by something like, say, "OpenFaith" or "Brain Surgery Wikia"!
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