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This photo (of Jimbo's daughter and friend) is on the French Wikipedia:

Notice the copyright declaration:

Ce document est une image/photographie personnelle de Bouba destinée à sa page personnelle. Il n'est pas destiné à être intégré à une version distribuée de l'encyclopédie et, en tant que tel, ne doit pas être intégré à des articles de l'espace encyclopédique.

Ce document reste la propriété exclusive de son auteur. Toute utilisation ou reproduction est interdite sans l'accord explicite de celui-ci.

How is this consistent with having everything on every Wikipedia freely reproducible?
QUOTE(Poetlister @ Thu 22nd November 2007, 10:22am) *

How is this consistent with having everything on every Wikipedia freely reproducible?

It's only used on what I think is a meetup space, thus it isn't part of the encyclopedia .
Daniel Brandt
Let's not be coy. There is more than one such photo on that 2004 meetup page. Jimbo's "friend" is Christine, his wife. She's half-Japanese. Here's a more recent photo of Jimbo and Christine.

The photos are available through Google image search. Look at all that food! To hell with "one laptop per child." I think they should send some of that food to Africa.
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Thu 22nd November 2007, 1:44pm) *

Let's not be coy. There is more than one such photo on that 2004 meetup page. Jimbo's "friend" is Christine, his wife. She's half-Japanese. Here's a more recent photo of Jimbo and Christine.

The photos are available through Google image search. Look at all that food! To hell with "one laptop per child." I think they should send some of that food to Africa.

India has opted out of OLPT. It turns out that they can make a $100 Laptop for $12.00. Meanwhile I think Negropointe has given up on even making a $100 Laptop for $100.00 although it seems to stumble on. Too bad I think the project had some merit. Many parts of Africa, and elsewhere including America, where brutal survival is not an issue could greatly benefit. I am afraid the project has been badly mis-handled.
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Thu 22nd November 2007, 1:55pm) *
India has opted out of OLPT. It turns out that they can make a $100 Laptop for $12.00.

Do you have a reference for this?
QUOTE(jorge @ Thu 22nd November 2007, 11:08am) *

It's only used on what I think is a meetup space, thus it isn't part of the encyclopedia .

Another contradiction then. Wikipedia is not for hosting private web pages. Why hasn't Ryulong deleted it? Oh - the silly French haven't made him an admin there yet.
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