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Disillusioned Lackey
On the page of the guy who was blocked for suggesting that Durova visit the "Durova for Arbcom" store....

... Did anyone notice the new Wikipedia strategy for soliciting donations?

Wikipedia is Gone: How Can I do my Homework??


QUOTE(Disillusioned Lackey @ Sat 24th November 2007, 5:03pm) *

On the page of the guy who was blocked for suggesting that Durova visit the "Durova for Arbcom" store....

... Did anyone notice the new Wikipedia strategy for soliciting donations?

Wikipedia is Gone: How Can I do my Homewok??

Yeah I read the blog, pretty sad how reliant people are.
Yeah, I posted about it here. It's a pretty pathetic ploy, especially as most people agree that Wikipedia is a pretty rubbish resource for homework. They shot themselves in the foot with that post.
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