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Jonny Cache
Quotations from Chairman Jimbo —

I think I detect a characteristic theme in the man's thinking.

Here's the latest variation —

QUOTE(Jimmy Wales @ 27 Nov 2007 UTC 18:01)

The cyberstalking list is in no way problematic.

I know nothing about any "investigations list" and can't comment. But in general, a list for investigations does not strike me as particularly problematic at all. It could be a bad thing, depending on what is meant but the name itself does not automatically mean badness.

A good investigations list would be a quiet place where users could collect information and ask questions.

"Say, this person looks like a sockpuppet …"

"No, not really, check this out …"

"Oh, ok."

Nothing wrong with that, and in fact we need more of it. (IRC serves this function quite usefully in many cases.)


Source. Jimmy Wales, Re:"Missed Opportunities To Have Avoided The Durova Case", 27 Nov 2007 UTC 18:01.

IRC is openly accessible by anyone, even most banned users. The problem people have with these lists is not the direct, quick-time interaction, it's the secretiveness and selectiveness.

Even the admins IRC channel is not strictly composed of like-minded people, even if it is more exclusive.
He doesn't find it problematic that users of the project which advocates loving each other are conducting private 'investigations' against each other? ...

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