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Full Version: SCANDALS are making us popular with "Guests'
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
Disillusioned Lackey
95 guests, 12 members 6 anonymous members

This cracks me up. This has been going on all week.

Usually it is about 20% of online users guests. Now it is 70-80% Guests.

It is as if this is clear evidence that there are things being said over here that CANT be talked about over there, and suddenly WR is terribly relevant.

QUOTE(Disillusioned Lackey @ Tue 27th November 2007, 6:08pm) *

95 guests, 12 members 6 anonymous members

This cracks me up. This has been going on all week.

Usually it is about 20% of online users guests. Now it is 70-80% Guests.

It is as if this is clear evidence that there are things being said over here that CANT be talked about over there, and suddenly WR is terribly relevant.


Guest almost always outnumber members but no doubt about it the trend is up again.
the fieryangel
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Wed 28th November 2007, 12:14am) *

QUOTE(Disillusioned Lackey @ Tue 27th November 2007, 6:08pm) *

95 guests, 12 members 6 anonymous members

This cracks me up. This has been going on all week.

Usually it is about 20% of online users guests. Now it is 70-80% Guests.

It is as if this is clear evidence that there are things being said over here that CANT be talked about over there, and suddenly WR is terribly relevant.


Guest almost always outnumber members but no doubt about it the trend is up again.

The real information is here and they know it.
Jonny Cache
And To Think I Always Wondered Where «Out There» Was …

Jonny cool.gif
I joined mainly because of the WP:BADSITES furor. I looked into WR because it was clear that some things just aren't being said on WP (despite probably being relevant), and I wanted to see what that might be. The more certain WP factions obsess over WR, the more people will come to check it out for themselves. If they find that the reality doesn't fit the hype, so much the better.
It's a lot easier to determine what's happening on Wikipedia by looking here than by weeding through all the misrepresentations and removals there, even after thirteen months of editing.

Hmm, I seem to have passed the year mark without noticing. Maybe I should do another inevitably failing RfA...
QUOTE(Amarkov @ Tue 27th November 2007, 8:44pm) *

It's a lot easier to determine what's happening on Wikipedia by looking here than by weeding through all the misrepresentations and removals there, even after thirteen months of editing.

Hmm, I seem to have passed the year mark without noticing. Maybe I should do another inevitably failing RfA...

why bother with the high school popularity contest bullshit?
its not as if anyone in the clique is going to let a regular WR poster get the mop.
QUOTE(Sxeptomaniac @ Wed 28th November 2007, 12:34am) *

I joined mainly because of the WP:BADSITES furor. I looked into WR because it was clear that some things just aren't being said on WP (despite probably being relevant), and I wanted to see what that might be. The more certain WP factions obsess over WR, the more people will come to check it out for themselves. If they find that the reality doesn't fit the hype, so much the better.

Yes, the BADSITES pushers are the ones who drive people over here. They're the same people who went nuts over Giano posting the email. Hence people looked for it here and at Wikitruth.

Most likely Guy and Co. will now blame WR for EVERYTHING that results from public knowledge of that evidence.
It is a well-established principle in our culture that the accused has a right to examine and refute the evidence.

In recent years, some regimes have failed to honor that principle, much to their everlasting discredit.
The most users we've ever had online was 519, on Today, 3:11pm.
Holy crap.
Yep, give the people what they want and they come in droves.
QUOTE(Aloft @ Sun 2nd December 2007, 6:42pm) *

The most users we've ever had online was 519, on Today, 3:11pm.
Holy crap.

I presume that may have been the result of a well-placed link to the WR blog, regarding the interconnected nature of Wikia, Inc. and the WMF. That link appeared on the Village Pump page, after a "trusted" user had brought up the subject of the "extremely questionable" links to Wikia from all the Family Guy articles.

Don't worry, though -- once Guy Chapman saw all the traffic we were getting, he deleted the link from the Village Pump and banned the user who had written about it. Too bad these hundreds of visitors already learned the truth, before it could be shamefully covered up.

QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 2nd December 2007, 10:26pm) *
Once Guy Chapman saw all the traffic we were getting, he deleted the link from the Village Pump and banned the user who had written about it.

If you recall that scene at the beginning of the first Matrix movie, where Neo has a terrifying nightmare about being arrested, and his mouth is stitched shut, that's pretty much what Guy Chapman is doing...


Neo, in the Interrogation Room in Matrix,
in the scene where Agent Smith
cruelly stitches Neo's mouth shut.
QUOTE(Moulton @ Mon 3rd December 2007, 6:58am) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 2nd December 2007, 10:26pm) *
Once Guy Chapman saw all the traffic we were getting, he deleted the link from the Village Pump and banned the user who had written about it.

If you recall that scene at the beginning of the first Matrix movie, where Neo has a terrifying nightmare about being arrested, and his mouth is stitched shut, that's pretty much what Guy Chapman is doing...


Neo, in the Interrogation Room in Matrix,
in the scene where Agent Smith
cruelly stitches Neo's mouth shut.

Heres a little oldie but the it's still a goodie....

If surgery was like Wikipedia: Surgipedia.

Several surgipedians have gathered in an operation theater. On the table lies an unconscious man whos left leg looks dark. Surgipedian #1 grabs a sheet prepared by the patient's doctor that details the problem.

Surgipedian #1: "Whoa, he's been lying here for 26 hours, we sure got a backlog again. It also says on this that he has a 'claudication' and a 'chronic venous insufficiency' in the left leg", looks at right leg, "and we are asked to do a 'leg segmental arterial doppler ultrasound exam'. Whatever that is. His leg looks pretty good to me".

Surgipedian #2: "You looked at the wrong leg. It says the left one".

Surgipedian #1: "I looked at the left and it's looking totally normal!"

Surgipedian #2: "The left from his point of view! Do you know where your left leg is?"

Surgipedian #3: "No need for shouting, #2, please remember Surgipedia guideline 'Assume Good Faith'. #1 was just trying to be constructive!"

Surgipedian #2: "I was only trying to be constructive, too!"

Surgipedian #3: "Well, let's just get to back to this guy."

Surgipedian #1, feeling securely at the helm again: "I remember something I read once on a website about heart diseases; when your arms or legs turn dark, you got a heart problem".

Surgipedian #3: "Yup, you are right. It's something about the veins in the heart being clogged up."

Surgipedian #2, feeling outdone: "I think it's something about having not enough oxygen in your blood!"

Surgipedian #1: "Can you cite a source for that?"

Surgipedian #2: "My aunt Thelma had something like that and I wrote a paper about it for my biology class at school!"

Surgipedian #3: "Please remember Surgipedia guideline: No Original Research! Let's get back to the man's heart problem! What should we do?"

Surgipedian #1: "I think you need to cut open his ribs and give him a heart massage or clean the veins or something".

Surgipedian #3: "Sounds reasonable. After all, when you get a massage to your back, the blood there flows better as well. I just wrote an article about it".

Surgipedian #2: "Heh, that is original research, too!"

Surgipedian #3: "Several surgipedians agreed on that article to be correct. Are you trying to be a nuisance or do you want to do that man some good?"

Surgipedian #2: "Of course!"

Surgipedian #2: "Then please stay constructive! How do we cut the man's ribs?"

Surgipedian #1: "You need a saw or something."

Surgipedian #3: "A saw? Surgeons use scalpels when they operate. I think you just need to cut a hole and poke your fingers through".

Without further ado, he grabs a scalpel and cuts a hole approximately where the heart is and sticks two fingers through.

Surgipedian #3: "I can't reach the heart, my fingers are not long enough!"

Surgipedian #2: "Then do that thing with the veins!"

Surgipedian #3: "How do you do that?"

Surgipedian #2 "Well, my aunt Thelma finally had something they call a bypass and they cut open the veins, I think".

Surgipedian #3: "But that is orig..., well let's try it. But I will have to push in the scalpel pretty deep to reach the heart. Shall we do it?"

Surgipedian #1, #2: "Support".

Surgipedian #3 remembers Surgipedia guideline "Be Bold!", grabs the scalpel in his fist and swings his arm in preparation of a deep push into the hole, but at that moment a surgeon comes by.

Surgeon: "Stop! What in the world are you doing?"

Surgipedian #3: The man has a problem in his leg and we are going to cut his heart veins open".

Surgeon: "What? All I see is a man with vascular problem in his leg and another that wields a scalpel like a knife. Are you aware that pushing a scalpel into someone's heart will kill that person?"

Surgipedian #1: "We have decided by majority that this is the proper thing to do. Besides, can you prove that pushing a scalpel into someones heart is deadly?"

Surgeon: "You decided by MAJORITY? Are you all nuts?"

Surgipedian #2 feels that there is finally someone besides him to put down: "Please, no personal attacks!"

Surgeon: "I will fucking personal attack you if you endanger someones life!"

Surgipedian #3: "We need to call an admin!"

Surgeon: "Alright, do that, but put that scalpel down!"

An admin comes by.

Admin: "I have heard that a guest is violating Surgipedia rules".

Surgeon: "I am a surgeon and these people are about to kill this man by pushing a knife into his heart!"

Admin: "Reviewing the archived discussion, you are in violation of rules Surgipedia: Assume Good Faith, Surgipedia: Vandalism, Surgipedia: Neutral Point of View, Surgipedia: No Personal Attacks, Surgipedia: Avoid Weasel Words and Surgipedia: Do not disrupt Surgipedia to make a point. You will be blocked from accessing Surgipedia for one week. Please use the time to review

Surgipedia guidelines and rules".

Admin and desperate Surgeon leave.

Surgipedian #3: "Okay, where were we?"

Surgipedian #2: "You were about to cut his heart."

Surgipedian #3: "Yup. I propose that so-called 'surgeon' was just a troll and we should go ahead."

Surgipedian #1 and #2: "Agree".

Surgipedian #3 slams the scalpel into the man's heart, who is dead within moments.

Surgipedian #3: "Why did he die?"

Surgipedian #1: "It's his fault. There was nothing WE did wrong!"
[All guidelines and policies mentioned in this satire do exist in Wikipedia.]

This is attributed to a fellow by the name "Marco"...see this here .
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 2nd December 2007, 10:26pm) *

QUOTE(Aloft @ Sun 2nd December 2007, 6:42pm) *

The most users we've ever had online was 519, on Today, 3:11pm.
Holy crap.

I presume that may have been the result of a well-placed link to the WR blog, regarding the interconnected nature of Wikia, Inc. and the WMF. That link appeared on the Village Pump page, after a "trusted" user had brought up the subject of the "extremely questionable" links to Wikia from all the Family Guy articles.

Don't worry, though -- once Guy Chapman saw all the traffic we were getting, he deleted the link from the Village Pump and banned the user who had written about it. Too bad these hundreds of visitors already learned the truth, before it could be shamefully covered up.


Guy Chapman continues his campaign (now expanded to censor an unrelated IP editor) to keep respected User:JayKeaton from finding out how deep the cover-ups go. So, he left one user no choice but to privately e-mail JayKeaton with the following series of evidence:


You will note how deperately User:JzG is trying to suppress any mention of the link to the blog article at:

Please be very careful to read point (1) in that blog article.

User:JzG claims that "no connection" has ever been made between Wikia and the Foundation and the users placing the links to Wikia. That's not at all true; but it's not surprising to see Guy Chapman lie in public to get "his" way. He does it all the time. In fact, perhaps the biggest part of this Wikia scandal centers on the date January 20, 2007.

Developer Brion Vibber said that Jimmy Wales (overruling an earlier 61% consensus community "vote") told him to switch on "nofollow" for all external links from Wikipedia. Wales would later deny that he gave any such order (Wales is also an accomplished liar, as the Essjay scandal demonstrated). "Nofollow" has the effect of reducing the search-engine value of all links so tagged as "nofollow" within a domain (such as What later became clear and was publicly disclosed, was that certain "interwiki"-formatted links from Wikipedia were immune from the "nofollow" switch. Guess which site had hundreds of "interwiki" links to it? I'll give you a hint -- the site has five letters, starts with W, and ends with "IKIA".

After a few months of (often suppressed or censored) debate on the subject, even the Chairwoman of the Wikimedia Foundation eventually saw that Jimbo Wales was dangerously conflicted:

Now, all of this could and should be discussed in public, perhaps on the Village Pump list on which you originated this discussion. But, notice that Guy Chapman is effectively silencing the conversation by blocking users without any CheckUser evidence, reverting their contributions to the discussion, and then lying about "no connection" existing between the Wikia links, Wikia, the Foundation, and the people managing those links. Guy Chapman has many personal communication links to Jimmy Wales -- in fact, Chapman was recently seen to be managing a "Wikipedia Investigations" list housed on servers, and that list was later turned over to Jimmy Wales himself to manage.

Here is what the wpinvestigations-l list on looked like when Guy Chapman "owned" it -- notice the "list run by" at the bottom:

Here is Guy Chapman saying that the "parent" list to wpinvestigations-l (a list called cyberstalking) had been turned over to Jimmy Wales:

Now, notice how the wpinvestigations-l list has actually also changed "run by" ownership to the mysterious '':

All I can say is that a lot of scurrying and hiding is going on on Wikipedia about these private/secret mailing lists (you are familiar with the recent User:Durova debacle, correct?)... but Jimmy Wales thinks these lists are A-OK, even as they're hosted on He also pretends not to know "anything" about the wpinvestigations-l list (that is hosted on his company's server) even though he took a position of corrective authority to tell other high-level Wikipedia participants about the EXACT NATURE of the wpinvestigations-l list! How can you "know nothing about any 'investigations list' and can't comment", but 5 minutes earlier gave "precisely" your knowledge of that exact list?

What we are witnessing here is a series of bald-faced lies. Guy Chapman knows it. In fact, since he is involved in the cover-up, it is a GROSS conflict of interest for him to be censoring this discussion in any way whatsoever. And, now thanks to blocking, you may be the only person on Wikipedia who is sufficiently armed to do battle with these cover-up artists.

(By the way, if you really want to get disgusted, note that and -- an Amazon subsidiary -- have over 150,000 outbound links from Wikipedia to their domains. Guess who funded all $10 million of Wikia's round-two venture capital investment series? Amazon.)

Jay, I hope you will not let this matter drop. It needs to be exposed. A fish rots from the head down, my friend.


Soon-to-be-banned user

We'll have to be on careful watch for how JayKeaton responds. Is he up to the task? Will allies come to his aid? Will he be subject to blocking or banning if he gets "too close" to the truth? Or will he just give up the fight since it's so thoroughly defended by the bad guys?

I, for one, am rooting for JayKeaton.

QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 3rd December 2007, 9:38am) *

So, he left one user no choice but to privately e-mail JayKeaton with the following series of evidence:

(Gasp)... did you just publish private e-mail correspondence here? Didn't you know that this is the worst of the Seven Deadly Sins?
QUOTE(dtobias @ Mon 3rd December 2007, 10:04am) *
Didn't you know that this is the worst of the Seven Deadly Sins?

Speaking of the Seven Deadly Sins, did you know that one of them is called Acedia?

It's the one that comes right after Fallen Pride.

The cure for Acedia is to arise and sing the Dithyramb.
QUOTE(dtobias @ Mon 3rd December 2007, 10:04am) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 3rd December 2007, 9:38am) *

So, he left one user no choice but to privately e-mail JayKeaton with the following series of evidence:

(Gasp)... did you just publish private e-mail correspondence here? Didn't you know that this is the worst of the Seven Deadly Sins?

But, but, but... I obtained express written permission from the original author to post the e-mail, which contained only his dialog, not that of User:JayKeaton. I think we're on solid wiki-legal ground here. happy.gif
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 3rd December 2007, 11:29am) *

«solid wiki-legal ground»

Congratulations on the 4-fold full-flush contradiction in terms, a slam dunk trump in any Wiki-poker game!

Jonny cool.gif
Just as long as it isn't Dead Man's Hand.
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(Moulton @ Mon 3rd December 2007, 11:57am) *

Just as long as it isn't Dead Man's Hand.


When the ship goes wop (with a wiggle between)
And the steward falls into the souptureen
And the trunks begin to slide . . .
Why, then you will know (if you haven't guessed)
You're Fifty North and Forty West!

— Rudyard Kipling

Arrrrrr, yezzzz, the Salted User Page, the Boundless MorteMain FORUM Image, and the ♥y IARDEE IAR IAR.

Jonny Cache Cargo cool.gif
No doubt the work of a Rogue and a Bounder.
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