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Full Version: Durova's Comet Causes WikiDinosaur Extinction
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Jimbo? Dinosaur.
- promote yourself up to where you can do no further harm, to Wikipedus Emeritus.

SlimVirgin? Dinosaur
- In the wikibackroom, you were every Arb's darling, Candi. Too bad the backroom got raided.

Jayjg? Dinosaur
- Using Oversight as your personal Admin Bonding Glue has been made extinct by sleuths with database skilz

David Gerard? Dinosaur
- One man bans with excuses of "see contributions" just won't cut it anymore now that the Wikipedians kept down on the farm have seen Arbitrary Paris.

JzG? Dinosaur.
- get some help.

Durova? Dinosaur.
- see SlimVirgin, JzG

Baudy? Dinosaur
- I guess disbarred lawyers really don't make good Star Chamber judges either. It is very difficult to teach old dogs new ethics.

FloNight? Dinosaur
- See SlimVirgin.

Henceforth, this is not your corrupt grandfather's oldsmobile.
The Joy
Jimbo Wales: Choking the Pterodactyl?
As someone who used to be really into dinosaurs I'm insulted that you included FloNight as one.

See, JzG is one who will never be restrained however unless he pulls a Durova like this. He's such a drive-by sniper that there's never going to be a cogent dispute to bring him up to arbcom for.

Blah blah I'm talking and saying nothing
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