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Chris Croy
Apparently, the article on Pro-pedophile activism was reliable enough for the FBI. Check out the citations at the end: Half of them are links to this page (Specifically, the "Childlove movement" redirect). They cite the article as a reference for the following statements:
"To specifically indicate the pedophile's gender preference, members of pedophilic organizations encourage the use of descriptions such as "boylove", "girllove", and "childlove"."
"The BoyLover logo (BLogo) is a small blue spiral-shaped triangle surrounded by a larger triangle, whereby the small triangle represents a small boy and the larger triangle represents an adult man."
"The Childlove Online Media Activism Logo (CLOMAL), also represented below, is a general purpose logo used by individuals who use online media such as blogs and webcasts."

The first and third citations are no longer valid. No mention of the third logo remains, nor does any commentary on how those terms indicate gender preference.
They clearly don't know what they're talking about. Thy don't say that paedophiles use the phrase "child grooming" all the time, whereas nobody else but the British, the Australians, the New York Times, etc. would ever dream of doing so. tongue.gif
QUOTE(guy @ Mon 3rd December 2007, 3:42pm) *
They clearly don't know what they're talking about.
Who? Wikipedia, the pedophiles, the FBI, or rolleyes.gif
QUOTE(Chris Croy @ Mon 3rd December 2007, 11:26pm) *
"To specifically indicate the pedophile's gender preference, members of pedophilic organizations encourage the use of descriptions such as "boylove", "girllove", and "childlove"."

It should be 'boylust', 'girllust' and 'childlust'. If paedophiles
actually loved children, they would voluntarily segregate
themselves such that they hardly ever even saw children.
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