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Like in the essjay affair, the story regarding jimbo's organizational reactions are more important than the issues that started the messes, if you are in the WP can and should correct itself camp.

I think this Cade fellow was just wetting his wikibeak.

Wonder what his WP/WR accounts are, and how long til Mz. Martin moseys over to WR for more drama? Somey does have a bigger audience, kellykelly.....and that IRC echo chamber just can't be all that satisfying, even with a banhammer in hand. you know you wanna W-R. Moooo!
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(Piperdown @ Wed 5th December 2007, 1:04pm) *

Like in the essjay affair, the story regarding jimbo's organizational reactions are more important than the issues that started the messes, if you are in the WP can and should correct itself camp.

Of course. Jimbo's responses reveal (quite shockingly) that certain values which many other people hold dear, are of no value to him. (And why would he decide to recognize those values now ? To all appearances, he thinks thesaid-values are useless and gives the impression that he thinks that people who hold them are dumb. There's no incentive. Jimbo is a carrot-and-stick guy if there ever was one.). The shock people get in discovering what he really is about is what causes the scandal. The Essjay scandal wouldn'tve been a scandal had Jimbo reacted differently. Then again, it wouldn'tve happened at all on someone else's watch, and there wouldn'tve been teams of people waiting to catch him in a predictable bad behavior, if he had treated people better. (I dont mean banning people, I mean treating people - some banned, some not - like dirt). He still doesn't get it, and even if they should change, they can't and won't, so we'll be seeing only more and worse train wrecks until some change is inevitable and forced by events. Like Durova**, Jimbo is an accident waiting to happen. Such behavior is not sustainable. If he were *really* king, in an earlier period in history, maybe he could get away with what he does. Even then, he might get overthrown, but the process would be different (and much more bloody). unsure.gif

**Durova probably feels, rightfully so, that her downfall was hastened by WR scrutiny. What she doesn't understand is how she created, by her own doing, a large enough angry population to bring her off her horse. WR simply documented it all, and made it easier to "Review".
QUOTE(Disillusioned Lackey @ Wed 5th December 2007, 2:36pm) *
Jimbo's responses reveal (quite shockingly) that certain values which many other people hold dear, are of no value to him.

Let's review that idea in the light of the drama model. Jimbo, like all characters in our proposed drama theory, has values and reciprocal disvalues. In our model, we called those desires and dreads. Different people have different dreads (disvalues) and therefore different values (desires). Here is a random list of possible dreads:
  • Fear of failure.
  • Fear of humiliation.
  • Fear of abandonment.
  • Fear of boredom.
  • Fear of annihilation.

Judging by those who are closest to Jimbo's inner protectorate, I'd be tempted to nominate fear of humiliation as primary, and therefore pride as a reciprocal primary value. That's why embarrassing scandals are his nemesis.

I'll stop there, before I go too far afield, and see if anyone here thinks I'm on the right track, or totally off the mark.
Kelly Martin told me the other day that it was the 6th time she was told that she could indeed create an account here.

Now if she could only act on that advice, we'd have another valuable contributor. I, for one, would welcome her here. smiling.gif
QUOTE(Nathan @ Wed 5th December 2007, 10:54pm) *
Kelly Martin told me the other day that it was the 6th time she was told that she could indeed create an account here. ...

That many! Well, I'd say 6 times is about the limit - we don't want to seem desperate, and once it gets to 7 or more, someone will probably claim it's "harassment."

I mean, JzG has an account here, and I'm sure he's quite proud to be an "average Wikipedia Reviewer." So what's the big deal for the Kellymeister? Is she... chicken?

Surely not...? unsure.gif
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