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Cade Metz does it again.

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Metz is setting the bar high for detailed and accurate coverage of WP's dysfunction.
This one will probably make it into Criticism of Wikipedia too.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(Moulton @ Thu 6th December 2007, 5:42pm) *

This one will probably make it into Criticism of Wikipedia too.

I'm thinking "not". cool.gif

Cade Metz is going medieval on WP's ass

Dear W-R: pls merge/del this thread, didnt see wordbomb had already scooped it
Despite its popular reputation as a Web 2.0 wonderland, Wikipedia is not a democracy. But the totalitarian attitudes of the site's ruling clique go much further than Jimbo cares to acknowledge.

HERESY! Democracy and totalitarianism are not mutually exclusive. Wikipedia, through the magic of user-contributed content, has created a system that manages to take into account the opinions of the populace without actually doing so!
QUOTE(WordBomb @ Thu 6th December 2007, 9:59pm) *

oops, sorry there word, didn't see this thread before i thought i was scooping it first.

I did enjoy reading all about the inability of the guy that banned me to answer Mr Metz's inquiries. Mr FU wouldn't answer mine either.

not much of a spokesman.

Quiet, and has a very limited vocabulary of unimaginative insults.

I thought this was a pretty decent piece, and do like how Tobias is quoted as an impartial voice.

It let off Mantanmoreland pretty lightly, but then I guess people can go to as the article mentions, and see for themselves what was going on with that particular journalist.
Jonny Cache
I think this thread and several like it belong in Media …

Jonny cool.gif
QUOTE(Jonny Cache @ Fri 7th December 2007, 2:34am) *

I think this thread and several like it belong in Media …

Jonny cool.gif

the 'hottest' threads lately have all been about WP in the Register, Guardian, etc.

The media subsection is at the bottom of W-R, and to be frank, I really don't notice "new" threads in it as there are dozens of automated threads in it.

meanwhile, "general discussion" is at the top of the page - and appears to be a magnet for what's hot now.

How bout let it stay here as long as "hot", and move it "media" when it cools down? I've missed several hot threads that get buried low-down on the WP front page in media.

I'm being selfish again ;-)

QUOTE(WordBomb @ Thu 6th December 2007, 9:59pm) *

Cade Metz does it again.

Not being Mr. Metz myself, it's entirely a coincidence that I ever edited the Metz, France article.

Unlike Mantanmoreland's editing of the Varkala, India article.
Castle Rock
QUOTE(WordBomb @ Thu 6th December 2007, 1:59pm) *

Cade Metz does it again.

For your Digging convenience, please click here.

Also Dan Tobias got scolded by the reptilian JoshuaZ for taking matters off wiki.


I'm also concerned that Dan and others seem to be going out of there
way to take
Wikipedia disputes off-wiki in a way to maximize damage to the
reputation of the
project as a whole and Wikipedia editors who they disagree with. If we don't
have the maturity to handle our disputes without egging on tabloids to write
nasty things about other editors we have a serious problem.

Dan, I've agreed with you on BADSITES somewhat, and I've disagreed with you
strongly on the Durova matter but see somewhat where you are coming
from, but I
cannot begin to fathom what went through your mind when you took part in this
article. I see nothing it accomplishes other than being a hit piece on fellow
Wikipedians. We can have polite, rational disagreement without pulling
into our mess. Heck, we can even have impolite disagreements. We sometimes say
"fuck" and "shut up" to each other on the mailing list. But there is no good
reason to get newspapers involved like this, especially crappy newspapers who
wish to cause trouble.

I hope that all editors in the future will exercise better restraint than to
engage in this sort of immature and unproductive behavior.

Boo hoo.
Did Gary Weiss really claim that he had never edited Wikipedia? Incredible.
QUOTE(Castle Rock @ Fri 7th December 2007, 12:39am) *
Dan Tobias got scolded by the reptilian JoshuaZ for taking matters off wiki.
QUOTE(JoshuaZ to Dan Tobias)
If we don't have the maturity to handle our disputes without egging on tabloids to write nasty things about other editors we have a serious problem.

Wikipedia does have a serious problem, compounded by its inability to solve its problems in-house in a mature, professional, and ethical manner.

Wikipedia fails to live up to the requirements of a Learning Organization, because it lacks functional components essential to organizational learning.

Any media project as large as Wikipedia that manifests such a problematic learning disability is inevitably going to become a subject of examination by the public media.
I fail to see why Dan Tobias should give JoshuaZ or anyone else the time of day as to whom, what or where Dan discusses WP with anyone.

Its not a Freemasonic Lodge where he is bound by terrible oaths to never discuss the secrets with the "profane".

The plain fact is that things like this happen all of the time because high up mucky-mucks refuse to lance the open wounds represented by an ever increasing number of dangerous and unstable people who have cornered the WP market.

He should tell Joshua to mind his own business.
If WP had a Non-Disclosure Agreement, that would make it a closed organization with a Social Contract.

Having a Social Contract is a good idea, but Wikipedia, being a public encyclopedia that "anyone can edit" cannot be a closed organization.

Therefore, if it did have a Social Contract, the terms would have to anticipate that everything taking place on Wikipedia would take place in the open light of day, subject to public observation and commentary.

A site which purports to serve the public interest must be answerable to the public.

And that means it must be answerable to the media that serves the public.
Disillusioned Lackey
NOTHING SHORT OF HILARIOUS - JoshuaZ scolds Dan T. for his comments in The Register article


I'm also concerned that Dan and others seem to be going out of there [sic] way to take Wikipedia disputes off-wiki in a way to maximize damage to the reputation of the project as a whole and Wikipedia editors who they disagree with. If we don't have the maturity to handle our disputes without egging on tabloids to write nasty things about other editors we have a serious problem.

Hey Joshua, you said it, we didn't. You don't have the maturity to handle your disagreements and and that is a serious problem. Dan's been talking sense to your kind for months, and you've ignored him and done everything short of attack him, which you can't do because Dan is 100 times more cantakerous than you are. happy.gif Therefore, he was forced to talk to the newspapers about it, because that's one of the few options you have in such as situation. So yes, Joshua (nailed IT!) Zelinsky, you have a problem. A collective, longstanding problem. Deal with it.
Dan, I've agreed with you on BADSITES somewhat, and I've disagreed with you strongly on the Durova matter but see somewhat where you are coming from,
Liar. You've done everything to subvert the sensible comments Dan has politely and tactfully made to you for the past year. Now hush your piehole. And learn to spell "their". You are trying to be a lawyer, aren't you? Oh, and on that note, respect for due process would something remarkable for you to learn before completing law school. Ask your professor about it.

but I cannot begin to fathom what went through your mind when you took part in this article.
What went through his mind.... hum.... speaking the truth? .... moral duty to report abuse of power which affects society? ... frustration at viewing a monolith of longstanding managerial incompetence? ....good-intentioned desire to replace moral collapse with positive change? And your problem with that is, Joshua?

Joshua.... what kind of lawyer are you planning to be? The kind that chews people out for speaking the truth?

I see nothing it accomplishes other than being a hit piece on fellow Wikipedians. We can have polite, rational disagreement without pulling tabloids into our mess.
I suppose your usual tactic of online defamation doesn't count as a tabloid, but hey, what do I know?
We sometimes say
"fuck" and "shut up" to each other on the mailing list.
Yes you do. And how poorly that reflects on you as overseers of a serious project.

But there is no good reason to get newspapers involved like this, especially crappy newspapers who
wish to cause trouble.
Mr. Zelinsky. All the major papers read this, and they are monitoring the situation pretty carefully. You'd be best to hold your fingers silent. Because your words will be online in a few years when you are denying you never supported this huge mess.

I hope that all editors in the future will exercise better restraint than to engage in this sort of immature and unproductive behavior.
Spoken like the true model of maturity. The guy who spent his free time rewriting Daniel Brandt's name into the PIR article. The guy who recreated the Daniel Brandt talk page. I could go on all day, but for the puerile Mr. Zelinsky to dress down Dan Tobias for not measuring up to maturity standards is nothing short of hilarious.

Now Joshua, wipe your eyes, dry your face, and come downstairs and stop kicking the wall. Your mama's got some warm fresh cookies and milk for you.
I submitted it to Slashdot. Hope they accept it.

QUOTE(JoshuaZ to Dan Tobias)
If we don't have the maturity to handle our disputes without egging on tabloids to write nasty things about other editors we have a serious problem.

The Register is many things, some of which I disapprove of, but it is emphatically not a tabloid!
QUOTE(cyofee @ Fri 7th December 2007, 8:35am) *
I submitted it to Slashdot. Hope they accept it.

They did. It's on the front page now.
written by he who wrote it
how long, do you think, before one of the usual suspects tries to pronounce a damnatio memoriae on the Register? (and will they use technical means -- abuse of the spam blacklist -- or by conventional -- as with will beback and Making Light?) they've now decided that it's not a reliable source, that if it says one thing and one of them disagrees with it then it may not be cited.
JzG again
Jossi expounds
JzG and SamiHarris (note how the former yaps about BLP and blatantly ignores it three hours later -- "vicious hatemonger" etc. -- others have already called him out on this).

Andrew Gray lays out the problem neatly
The madness one has to undertake to try so hard to deny that a website like WR exists and then also put so much time and energy into chasing ghosts associated with said website must be staggering. I would love to see a photo of JzG's eyes a couple years back compared to now. I bet they're 50% wider...
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(written by he who wrote it @ Fri 7th December 2007, 1:16pm) *

Isn't he the one who gave the "get thee to a nunnery out of here" speech to SlimVirgin and Jayjg last August?

If so, they should have a coup d'etat and put him in Jimbo's spot.
QUOTE(Miltopia @ Fri 7th December 2007, 11:57am) *

The madness one has to undertake to try so hard to deny that a website like WR exists and then also put so much time and energy into chasing ghosts associated with said website must be staggering.

The irony being that EVERYONE knows about WR now because of those people who keep trying to get it removed from Wikipedia's awareness.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(Fox @ Fri 7th December 2007, 2:09pm) *

The irony being that EVERYONE knows about WR now because of those people who keep trying to get it removed from Wikipedia's awareness.

Oh I know. If they'd have ignored us, none of this BIG SCANDAL would have happened.

Durova would still be back in business, for example, and none of this Shakespearean drama would be playing out online.

(gets out popcorn)
The bit that burns Wikipedia's cabal is here is yet another scandal they cannot oversight, send to ArbCom, or ban the participants.
QUOTE(JohnA @ Fri 7th December 2007, 4:41pm) *

The bit that burns Wikipedia's cabal is here is yet another scandal they cannot oversight, send to ArbCom, or ban the participants.

Which is exactly why they are trying so hard to control the discussion on Wikipedia. Quite a few zealous admins have been blocking people for, quite literally, asking the wrong questions:

Not that they'd learn anything different watching Jimbo...
Daniel Brandt
Google News did something strange with their indexing of the naked short-selling article in The Register. Last night they carried the link on Google News within an hour or so as usual, but they didn't index the word "slimvirgin," even though it was in the subtitle of that article.

Today they indexed the Slashdot post, and they did something strange once again, this time in the opposite direction! Apparently they picked up the link to last July's Slashdotting of SlimVirgin that was offered by Slashdot as a "Related Stories" reference in their current post. Ouch! That snippet snaps right at you! Here it is, in case they fix it:
The Register Exposes More Wikipedia Abuse
Slashdot - 6 hours ago
It turns out that a Wikipedia administrator named slimvirgin is actually Linda Mack, a woman who as a young graduate in the 1980s was hired by investigative ...

cool.gif With that pic of Jimbo from BBC, where the "007" sign shows in the background, one wonders if there's a Russian mole in the BBC photographer's pool. But Google? I know Sergey's family is from Russia, but that's ridiculous!

Besides, why not just let the air out of JzG's bicycle tires, or steal his helmet? That would put him out of the picture for at least a week. Oh wait — JzG is doing more damage to Wikipedia right where he is. It's smart to leave him alone.
Perhaps the inscrutable listing is a reflection of Google's sooper-sekrit defenses against the machinations of the Search Engine Optimization Brigade.
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Fri 7th December 2007, 10:22pm) *

Today they indexed the Slashdot post, and they did something strange once again, this time in the opposite direction! Apparently they picked up the link to last July's Slashdotting of SlimVirgin that was offered by Slashdot as a "Related Stories" reference in their current post. Ouch! That snippet snaps right at you!

There's a pretty lengthy discussion going on here.
Disillusioned Lackey
Has Joshua Zelinsky been sniffing Glue?

> On 12/3/07, joshua.zelinsky at <joshua.zelinsky at> wrote:
>> I'm almost inclined to wonder if the primary source
>> wasn't some very strongly anti-Durova editor. But of course that couldn't
>> happen because editors who frown on secrecy would never try to do that,
>> nor try
>> to use a newspaper to get their way. Frak'n ridiculous.

As opposed to bully power as an admin?

>Quoting Alec Conroy <alecmconroy at>:
> That's interesting-- I totally don't see going to the press (in the
> abstract) as a bad thing, I see it as a valuable RFC from the larger
> community-- in the case, the community of humans.


Yes, but that's an RfC from people with little to no knowledge about how the
community actually functions.

This isn't ABOUT the community, you moron.
From past experience such RfCs just increase the
heat levels while providing no light

Joshua, do you have a brain? You are quoting wiki-isms, that bear no relation to the situation at hand.
and result in all sorts of additional problems for the privacy of involved editors. And while I don't see it going to press as a bad thing in the abstract(it really does show how far Wikipedia has
come along that our internal disputes get such press coverage) in general past
coverage of disputes has made things worse rather than better.

Yes, well, as we clarified earlier Joshua, in your attack on Dan Tobias, that Wikipedian problems can't be handled successfully to general societal satisfaction (I mean a REAL society, not your community) we find ourselves forced to cope with it in another sphere.

How old is this kid? He talks like he's 12.
QUOTE(Disillusioned Lackey @ Fri 7th December 2007, 6:06am) *

Joshua.... what kind of lawyer are you planning to be? The kind that chews people out for speaking the truth?

Probably; much like this lawyer.
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