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WR goes mainstream press!

In "Inside, Wikipedia is more like a sweatshop than Santa's workshop" we get a mention, but the ending is the best bit:

It's not that Wikipedia participants are expected to transcend humanity. Rather, it's that looking beyond the rosy marketing picture reveals little but bureaucracy implemented poorly - including fiefdoms, cliques and sycophancy to the charismatic leader.

For all Jimmy Wales's self-promotion regarding his supposed ability to build good communities, it's apparent his skill is instead in knowing how to sell a dysfunctional community effectively. One subtext of the Wikipedia hype is that businesses can harvest an eager pool of free labour, disposable volunteers who will donate effort for the sheer joy of it. The fantasy is somewhat akin to Santa's workshop, where little elves work happily away for wages of a glass of milk and a cookie. Whereas the reality is closer to an exploitative cult running on sweatshop labour.
It's already been posted I think. The author Seth Finkelstein is well known for participating on Wikipedia, originally to push to get his and Daniel Brandt's bios deleted, now generally exposing hypocrisy.
QUOTE(jorge @ Fri 7th December 2007, 12:55am) *

It's already been posted I think. The author Seth Finkelstein is well known for participating on Wikipedia, originally to push to get his and Daniel Brandt's bios deleted, now generally exposing hypocrisy.

Seth goes way back to the early days of Usenet, speaking out on privacy, censorware and the COS.

Coincidentally, Tony "Sherilyn" Sidaway was also an early COS critic on Usenet(along with s***-stirring on a multitude of subjects).

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