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Jonny Cache
Talk:Criticism of Wikipedia#The Register Article About The November 18th Block

You really have to admire their talent for euphemism …

Jonny cool.gif
Jonny Cache
Not too incidentally, let's look at what our favorite De Factory Of Original Policies has to say about the respective roles of primary sources and secondary sources —

QUOTE(Guy Chapman @ 08 Dec 2007 UTC 16:33)

So let's do what Wikipedia does: look at secondary sources. Please cite the analysis of this case in reliable secondary sources — not primary sources (the Reg), but secondary sources. Not that the Reg is reliable in the context of Wikipedia anyway, it displays a clear agenda here. So: where are the sources that discuss the dispute, including both sides, not just repeating the claims stated to be false by every single known member of the mailing list and every single known recipient of the Durova email? Guy (Help!) 16:33, 8 December 2007 (UTC)

I really do hope that some people out there are starting to get the drift of what SlimVirgin's Theory Of Research (SV:TOR) is all about.

Jonny cool.gif
Ignorance is Strength

QUOTE(Moulton @ Thu 6th December 2007, 8:26pm) *

Things are at a bit of a lull here, so it's time for a silly contest...

What didn't happen on 18 Bovember?

Time's up!

The answer is found here.
"18 Bovember"?

If it was 18 non-Bovember, I'd be looking for Kelly Martin somewhere in the midst... smile.gif

...of course, this was really a subliminal Bomis ad, right?
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