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Full Version: JIMMY TELLS IT LIKE IT IS (there was no list, no secret, no secret list....)
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Disillusioned Lackey
Still more creativity here, from Mr. Jimbo Wales:

"There was no secret list here, move along, nothing to see! Oh, and why did I try to ban the guy who posted the names from the list? Because it didn't exist, see?

Re: WR's secret forum and list
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by Jimmy Wales Dec 10, 2007; 05:06am :: Rate this Message: - Use ratings to moderate (?)

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Nick wrote:
> I'm more concerned with secret mailing lists
> intended to improve Wikipedia allowing vast errors of judgment to go
> unchecked, especially when those lists are populated by respected editors
> with the ability to seriously damage the project.

I would be concerned about such lists myself, if any of them existed. I
am unaware of any.


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Yes, except for that you belonged to one and temporarily hosted the other.

Re: WR's secret forum and list
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by Jimmy Wales Dec 10, 2007; 07:30pm :: Rate this Message: - Use ratings to moderate (?)

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Bryan Derksen wrote:
> If something like this were to happen again in six months, what should
> we do differently? Or better, how can we reduce the possibility of it
> happening again in six months?

Well I think we are very fortunate in one respect: due to the incredible
noise this generated, I am pretty sure that no one is going to make any
blocks with a reason of "secret evidence" for a very long time.

And we are unfortunate in another respect: due to a misunderstanding of
what has happened here, we may see a decline in admins having private
conversations with friends to "sanity check" things, and we may see a
decline in thoughtfully coordinated on-wiki actions. And that's a shame.

Jimbo, you're SUCH a retard. Does anyone here not believe you are losing the respect of your own troops? What, 3-4 people asked you a legitimate intelligent question, and you are talking to them like they are babbling idiots. (Remember, these are the ones who *arent* editing the flashlight article).

Well, Jimbo...the fact that this particular block was discussed on the
cyberstalking and harassment list is indeed significant to the person who
was being blocked. The blockee is now forever besmirched by the fact that
having his name mentioned on that list has inappropriately associated him
with such vile activities. Check your user talk page history for Alex
Barakhov's post, if you don't believe me.

There's a big difference between an impromptu sanity check and a regularized
mailing list. You still haven't gotten around to explaining why people felt
the need to go off-wiki to create solutions to big-picture on-wiki issues
such as harassment and cyberstalking. Now, nobody can stop anyone from
associating with anyone they wish to, but this harassment and cyberstalking
list had your name and a foundation employee's name on its roster, and I
would have thought either or both of you would have known better.


FINALLY, a voice of sanity amid the mindless.....

And knocked down by Jaygg, but picked up by Derktar

Re: WR's secret forum and list
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by Bryan Derksen Dec 11, 2007; 01:48am :: Rate this Message: - Use ratings to moderate (?)

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jayjg wrote:
> Hello, Relata Refero! I thought people had stopped making this claim
> weeks ago. Care to step in and educate Risker as to the current party
> line?

If people stopped making the claim weeks ago, why do you have to keep
repeating that fact over and over again now?

Go ahead and correct misunderstandings if you must, but please stop
claiming that they're not actually _happening_. It's silly.
Amazing stuff this
So I guess this means all the "there is no cabal" talk is a load of bull.
The thing is, I've always thought it was terribly disrespectful of them to go around denying the existence of the cabal, considering all the hard work people have put in to make the cabal what it is today.

I mean, if it were my cabal, I'd be, like, "You're damn right there's a cabal! And the cabal's gonna kick your lousy virtual ass, too, if you don't do exactly what the cabal demands!"

As it happens, that's pretty much how it works there too, except that they seem to have this strange self-negation thing going.
Disillusioned Lackey
I think that the horror stems from the fact that in the same conversation he called himself a dictator, and that the cabal term was put forth there too.

For a student of the Chicago school, bandying about such terminology is a hyuk hyuk hyuk kind of thing. For anyone of a more --- i dont know -- political sensiblistic, sociological, legal,... (shall I go on) background, this was fairly horrific terminology. Not to mention the fact that he declared outright that he had final say so (which is still true today, but no one makes an issue of it).

Which is why he denied the term "cabal". Funny how he never denied the term "dictator".

I guess he didn't want to "give it legs".

Totem and Tabu

Those at the top of the Totem Pole are wont to exercise their power by articulating taboos. I understand that 3RR and NOR are among the more prominent taboos laid down by Jimbo.

Of course there are other, more enlightened models of leadership to consider.

For reasons unbeknownst to me, Wikipedia has declined to consider them.

So it goes.
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